Parameterized SQL vs Dynamic SQL

  • A)What is the difference between Parameterized SQL and Dynamic SQL?

    B) If Parameterized SQL is executed using sp_executesql, does query becomes parameterized dynamic SQL?

  • The difference is huge. Dynamic sql is simply building a executing against your database. This is open to sql injection. Parameterized query is using variable to hold the values for your query. The big advantage is the query engine will use the supplied value as the datatype and as such is not prone to sql injection.


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  • Thanks a lot. Is it possible for you to give me one example of each? Thanks

  • Kal Penn (1/24/2012)

    Thanks a lot. Is it possible for you to give me one example of each? Thanks


    DECLARE @parameter integer = 1;

    -- Dynamic SQL

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max) =


    SELECT *

    FROM AdventureWorks2008R2.Production.Product AS p

    WHERE p.ProductID = ' + CONVERT(varchar(12), @parameter);

    EXECUTE (@sql);

    -- Parameterized dynamic SQL

    EXECUTE sys.sp_executesql

    @statement =


    SELECT *

    FROM AdventureWorks2008R2.Production.Product AS p

    WHERE p.ProductID = @ProductID;',

    @params = N'@ProductID integer',

    @ProductID = @parameter;

    The first example is much less safe because you don't have as much control over the string that is executed.

  • Thanks Paul,

    So in your second SQL(Dynamic Parameterized SQL), since variable is not concatenated in WHERE condition (WHERE p.ProductID = @ProductID) is this what makes it 'Parameterized SQL'?

  • Kal Penn (1/24/2012)

    Thanks Paul,

    So in your second SQL(Dynamic Parameterized SQL), since variable is not concatenated in WHERE condition (WHERE p.ProductID = @ProductID) is this what makes it 'Parameterized SQL'?

    Explicitly defining a parameter is what makes the sp_executesql call parameterized 🙂

    The concatenated string is executed as-is; it has no parameters.

  • So, use of Parameter in sp_executesql makes it parameterized

    (defining parameter) @params = N'@ProductID integer', (value of the parameter) @ProductID = @parameter;

    If only SQL statement was used, then it would be just dynamic SQL

    Thanks, got it. Will stick in my skull now.

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