Odd maintenance job issue

  • I have an odd issue with jobs executing maintenance plans such as backups etc. After I create the plan the job shows up fine, but it fails when I execute. I found a work around to get it working, but would like to find the root cause. The workaround is to go into the job and change the step to type-tsql, save it then go in and put it back to SSIS....job runs fine. Any time I modify a plan I have to go through this work around again. What's up?

    This is a 2008 instance on a 2008 cluster. SSIS is istalled on the instance and the MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml is set to servername\instance. I can't figure out what will fix this.

    Edit: I should note that above server name is the server instance name not the node name.

  • Oops, I accidentally post this to 2005 area. Can a mod move this?

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