DB Backup Compression

  • Hi All

    We have sql server 2005 enterprise on windows enterprise server 2008 with 32 GB RAM & 4 intel xeon processor.

    our strategy is to make daily full backup of approx total 1000 GB size of different Databases.

    To compress these backups , we use 7 zip command line utility in script but this utility is too slow

    it takes 10 hours to compress 100 GB backup , so it is not usefull.

    Is there any other utility to compress backups file fastly.



  • Have you tried looking at one of the tools that create compressed backups like Hyperbac http://www.hyperbac.com or Redgates backup tool http://www.red-gate.com/products/SQL_Backup/index-2.html these tools are designed for the job.

    They probably cost more than a zip solution, but they should provide you with more stable backups and the recovery time must be quicker than any zip method.

    Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - Mark Twain

  • We're currently using Redgate's SQL backup Pro product and getting 96% compression on a 106GB database, backing up to approximately 4.4GB and taking around 2 minutes!

  • You can also consider using LiteSpeed as your backup/restore tool..

    Pradeep Singh

  • Any plans to upgrade to SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition?

    It has native backup compression option.

    Another third party tool for SQL Server 2005 is Idera's SQLSafe.

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