Calculated measure

  • Hi Everyone.. i am new to Analysis services and need a help in writing a MDX.I have measure called Impressions and now i need to calculate the rank of that ie Rank= Rank*Impressions/Sum(Impressions) of a slice so i need a approach of how to proceed with that.. Any Help would be Appreicated..Thanks

  • As a general form for Percent of Set queries, you could use a calculated measure with this syntax

    with member [measures].[percent_rank] as ([Measures].[Impressions],[aDimension].[aHierarchy].CurrentMember) / ([Measures].[Impressions],[aDimension].[aHierarchy].CurrentMember.Parent)

    The first term gets you the portion of the whole, for a given Dimesion member ([Measures].[Impressions],[aDimension].[aHierarchy].CurrentMember)

    The second is the total for the population or whole to which the current dimension member for aDimension belongs: [Measures].[Impressions],[aDimension].[aHierarchy].CurrentMember.Parent)

    If I understand, you want to multiply by this the RANK, correct?

    Then you would create a set, ordering by the Percent_Rank measure, and use the RANK() function with aDimension and aHierarchy to assign a ranking number to each aDimension member.

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