Looking to get 70-432 Certified need suggestions...

  • I am looking to get 70-432 certified before SQL 2012 comes out. I am not a very fast reader as it would take too long to read a book. What are the best 70-432 Training Videos out on the market for a good price. I was looking at the Trainsignal videos which are $397. This is the best deal I have found so far.

    Any suggestions?



  • Take a look at CBT Nuggets:


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  • Koen Verbeeck (12/20/2011)

    Take a look at CBT Nuggets:


    edit: it's 17 hours of video. At that time, I have read the book twice 🙂

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  • I am not a very fast reader as it would take too long to read a book.

    Absolutely zero and no offence to Koen, but being able to read a book very fast, wouldnt make you pass this exam, its understanding what you read.

    Go with the CBT Nuggets, they're golden 😀

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Henrico Bekker (12/20/2011)

    I am not a very fast reader as it would take too long to read a book.

    Absolutely zero and no offence to Koen, but being able to read a book very fast, wouldnt make you pass this exam, its understanding what you read.

    Go with the CBT Nuggets, they're golden 😀

    No offense taken 🙂

    My point was that in 17 hours you can read the book, and that's much cheaper than the video's.

    Just watching the video's won't get you through the exam either, it's practical experience that you need.

    ps: I passed the exam and I read the book. But it took me more than 17 hours to prepare myself 🙂

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  • Koen Verbeeck (12/20/2011)

    Henrico Bekker (12/20/2011)

    I am not a very fast reader as it would take too long to read a book.

    Absolutely zero and no offence to Koen, but being able to read a book very fast, wouldnt make you pass this exam, its understanding what you read.

    Go with the CBT Nuggets, they're golden 😀

    No offense taken 🙂

    My point was that in 17 hours you can read the book, and that's much cheaper than the video's.

    Just watching the video's won't get you through the exam either, it's practical experience that you need.

    ps: I passed the exam and I read the book. But it took me more than 17 hours to prepare myself 🙂

    Agreed, I also used a combination of BOL and the Nuggets, and hours of practical tests, build, break, use, abuse 😛 - Found it to be a great combination.

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Thanks for the suggestions.. I have looked at both and it looks like CBT Nugget is the way I am going to go. Cost less and has more hours... I am a little disappointed I can not watch the training on my ipad but sometimes that is just the way things are..

    Thanks again...

  • I upgraded from 2005 to 2008 so I only had to take the 2005 equivalent but as was suggested you will need as much hands on as you can get and I would not expect that anyone would get to that level in hours or weeks for that matter.

    Good luck. 🙂

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  • Welsh Corgi (12/23/2011)

    ...you will need as much hands on as you can get and I would not expect that anyone would get to that level in hours or weeks for that matter.

    Good luck. 🙂

    I just wanted to echo that sentiment. I have never been a big fan of those training videos - they fall short in many areas. Hands-on experience by far trumps the video experience.

    Check out the MS Site and start focusing on the outline they have listed there of items being tested in this exam.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • I agree with the hands on experience.. I have been a hands on Jr. DBA for 3 years now.. Just looking to learn something new that I don't get in my everyday job. Hoping the videos just gives me an over view and then I can read books or BOL to get in depth learning where I need it.

  • My 2 cents would be that I would search around on YouTube for SQL Server 2008 administration training videos. You may have to do some searching, but you should be able to find some if not more.

    If I were you, I would start studying, but I would want to wait until Microsoft releases SQL Server 2012 exam, and get certified in 2012 rather than 2008.

  • lkokeunda (12/24/2011)

    If I were you, I would start studying, but I would want to wait until Microsoft releases SQL Server 2012 exam, and get certified in 2012 rather than 2008.

    Why not both? Commercially speaking, the 2008 certifications will still have a nice ROI for the coming years.

    A lot of companies just switched from 2005 to 2008 (R2), so this version is still going to be around for a couple of years.

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  • lkokeunda (12/24/2011)

    My 2 cents would be that I would search around on YouTube for SQL Server 2008 administration training videos. You may have to do some searching, but you should be able to find some if not more.

    If I were you, I would start studying, but I would want to wait until Microsoft releases SQL Server 2012 exam, and get certified in 2012 rather than 2008.

    As far as videos are concerned SQLShare.com is one resource but IMHO it is going to take a lot more than training videos.

    As far as waiting until 2012 the exam comes out to start studying I don't agree with your approach for it is never to early to start studying.:w00t:

    I got certified in 2000 & pursued the upgrade to 2005 & 2008.

    I had to take a lot less test if I had not upgraded.

    Consider that you may need some proficiency in 2008 and earlier versions of SQL Server.

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  • As far as waiting until 2012 the exam comes out to start studying I don't agree with your approach for it is never to early to start studying.:w00t:

    You misunderstood. What I meant was I would start studying NOW, but would want to wait until 2012 exam gets released to pay the money to take the test. 2012 cert will last longer on your resume than 2008 cert. That's what I would want especially given that Microsoft should very soon be releasing 2012 version of the product.

  • ok, start studying now but why not go for the 2008 Certification?

    The upgrade path is not a bad deal. I prefer that route but to each their own.

    An opinion is like an #@$$#*&^, everyone has one.:-D

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