Partition of rows

  • hi,

    I have a seq number in table i need to take the max seq number then show the results in sucha fashion that group with max seq number comes first.


    declare @jobs table (street varchar(100),seq int)

    insert into @jobs

    select 'B',50 union all

    select 'B',40 union all

    select 'A',30 union all

    select 'C',20 union all

    select 'B',15 union all

    select 'B',10 union all

    select 'A',5

    select * from @jobs


    Expected output:

    street | seq


    B | 50

    B | 40

    B | 15

    B | 10

    A | 30

    A | 5

    C | 20

    Thank you.

  • select * from @jobs

    order by max(seq) over (partition by street) desc, seq desc

    Hope this helps


    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks it works ! 😛

    so exactly the partittion is used in order by .. am i correct?

    how will the sorting and grouping takes place in that case.. If you can clear then it will help me understanding the query.


  • To understand the query you just have to add the order by column to the select list:

    select *, max(seq) over (partition by street) as maxseq

    from @jobs

    This returns the max sequence, partitioned by street.

    How this is used in the order by is straightforward.

    Hope this was clear enough, English is not my first language.



    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks again

    when i gave this input

    B | 50

    B | 40

    A | 50

    C | 20

    B | 15

    B | 10

    A | 5

    i got some ungrouped results.

  • You probably need to keep the streets together. Try adding street in the order by in 2nd position:

    select *

    from @jobs

    order by max(seq) over (partition by street) desc, street, seq desc

    Is this what you're after?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks again,

    yes that works,

    but still the flow goes above my head. :crying:

  • max(seq) over (partition by street)

    returns the maximum sequence number in each street group.

    In case of ties between different streets, you order by street.

    Inside each street group, you want the highest sequence first, so you order by seq DESC.

    Which part is unclear to you?

    Try running this, it should help understanding.

    select *, max(seq) over (partition by street) as maxseq

    from @jobs

    order by max(seq) over (partition by street) desc, street, seq desc

    street seq maxseq

    ------ ----------- -----------

    A 50 50

    A 5 50

    B 50 50

    B 40 50

    B 15 50

    B 10 50

    C 20 20

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Ok, thanks the steps made it clear now.

    I never used over/partition in order by clause , i found it new..

    Now i understood.

    Thanks again.

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