sp error

  • USE [Clinical_Edu_2006]


    DECLARE @return_value int

    EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[CalChestSum]

    @DateFrom = N'1/6/2011 ',

    @DateToIn = N'2/11/2011',

    @cc = N'all'

    SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value


    Here is my sp:




    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CalChestSum]

    @DateFrom datetime,

    @DateToIn datetime,

    @cc varchar(220)

    with recompile




    declare @DateTo datetime

    select @DateTo = @DateToIn+1

    if @cc='All'


    delete from [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    INSERT INTO [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback] ( [Indication] ) VALUES ('ExcellentlyMet')

    INSERT INTO [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback] ( [Indication] ) VALUES ('SatisfactorilyMet')

    INSERT INTO [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback] ( [Indication] ) VALUES ('WasnotMet')

    INSERT INTO [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback] ( [Indication] ) VALUES ('WellMet')

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [IndicationC] =


    Count([The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]='ExcellentlyMet'

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='ExcellentlyMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [IndicationC] =


    Count([The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]='SatisfactorilyMet'

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='SatisfactorilyMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [IndicationC] =


    Count([The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]='WasnotMet'

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='WasnotMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [IndicationC] =


    Count([The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]='WellMet'

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='WellMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Bedside Procedure & Interventions] =


    Count([The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]='ExcellentlyMet'

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='ExcellentlyMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Bedside Procedure & Interventions] =


    Count([The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]='SatisfactorilyMet'

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='SatisfactorilyMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Bedside Procedure & Interventions] =


    Count([The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]='WasnotMet'

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='WasnotMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Bedside Procedure & Interventions] =


    Count([The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]='WellMet'

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='WellMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Nursing Care] =


    Count([Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system]='ExcellentlyMet'

    group by [Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='ExcellentlyMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Nursing Care] =


    Count([Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system]='SatisfactorilyMet'

    group by [Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='SatisfactorilyMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Nursing Care] =


    Count([Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system]='WasnotMet'

    group by [Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='WasnotMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Nursing Care] =


    Count([Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system]='WellMet'

    group by [Understands the nursing care responsibilities with chest tubes and the pleurvac drainage system] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='WellMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Complications] =


    Count([Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]='ExcellentlyMet'

    group by [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='ExcellentlyMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Complications] =


    Count([Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]='SatisfactorilyMet'

    group by [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='SatisfactorilyMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Complications] =


    Count([Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]='WasnotMet'

    group by [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='WasnotMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Complications] =


    Count([Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]='WellMet'

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='WellMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Post Test] =


    Count([Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]='ExcellentlyMet'

    group by [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='ExcellentlyMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Post Test] =


    Count([Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]='SatisfactorilyMet'

    group by [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='SatisfactorilyMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Post Test] =


    Count([Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]='WasnotMet'

    group by [Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='WasnotMet'

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Post Test] =


    Count([Aware of the contra-indications and complications when caring for a patient with a chest tube and drainage system]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and [The post test questions were applicable to the chest tube education powerpoint presentation]='WellMet'

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion] ) where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='WellMet'

    select *

    from [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]




    delete from [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    INSERT INTO [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]



    , [IndicationC]


    SELECT [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]

    , Count([The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP INNER JOIN

    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name] AND

    Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom and [Submit Time]<@DateTo and Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.CC like @cc

    group by [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]

    select *

    from [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]



    error message:

    Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure CalChestSum, Line 97

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    The statement has been terminated.

    I do not see any select statement occure twice

  • I am not going to try to find line 97 in that but based on the error it is likely you have a subquery in the where cluase of one of the statements. sice it is returning more than a single value it is causing the error.

    so lets say you had where x=(select y from table) then y could only return a single value not multiple rows.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • Hi,

    I only want to add that you have a copy and paste error in the following statement:

    UPDATE [Clinical_Edu_2006].[dbo].[tblSChestTubeFeedback]

    SET [Bedside Procedure & Interventions] =


    SELECT Count([The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP


    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name]

    AND Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB

    WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom

    and [Submit Time]<@DateTo

    and [The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]='ExcellentlyMet'

    group by

    [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]


    where [tblSChestTubeFeedback].Indication='ExcellentlyMet'

    this subquery produces more than one return value:

    SELECT Count([The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]) as FCount

    FROM Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP


    dbo.NursingFeedback ON Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.[FULL NAME] = dbo.NursingFeedback.[Employee Name]

    AND Annual_Edu_2006.dbo.HREMP.DOB = dbo.NursingFeedback.DOB

    WHERE [Submit Time] >= @DateFrom

    and [Submit Time]<@DateTo

    and [The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]='ExcellentlyMet'

    group by

    [The learner is able to understand chest tubes and indications for a chest insertion]

    you should replace the bold column with [The learner understands the bedside procedure and nursing responsibilities when the chest tube is inserted at the bedside]


    Patrick Fiedler

    [font="Arial"]Kind regards,

    Patrick Fiedler

    Fiedler SQL Consulting


  • The where condition and group by is not the same. Thanks.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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