Flatfile Script Component

  • Hi I have a bit of a dilemma I am wanting to creating a column based on a value in a flatfile, and insert that value into the destination table...

    I have a flatfile and a oledb destination, I dropped a script component on the dataflow tab, and I am wanting to take an existing field and create a for lack of a better word, "CODE" field based on that value. How would I accomplish this?

    Exmple--- where description = Test1 code = 1, Test2 code = 2, and same thing for Test3

    Description code

    Test1 1

    Test2 2

    Test3 3

  • If the code value is embedded in the text you could use a derived column task with a REPLACE() function.

    If You want Test1 = A, Test2 = B, Test3 = C then you could use inline IIFs if there are not too many of them or create a reference table (a .txt file would suffice) and load it as a data source then do a lookup on it.

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