SQL Jobs Displaying "Date and Time is not available"

  • We login to our sql server with our windows accounts and can look at the sql agent jobs in enterprise manager via the msdb.targetserverrole membership; however, the "Next Run Date" on all of the jobs shows "Date and Time are not available". I have tried placing our accounts in every server role and database role, but the message still displays. The only role that will resolve the problem is the System Admin role and our windows accounts cannot have this membership as it does not appeal to our auditors.

    Can anyone shed any light on this anomally?

    Thank You, Lloyd

  • Hi Lloyd,

      The targetserverrole group doesn't have access to the sysjobschedules table by default, which is where this information is stored.  You need to add select permission on the table to that role.


    Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

  • In this job msdb.targetserverrole  u not mentioned the next run date that is a reson display date and time not available.Check that job next run date.




  • I have checked the sysjobschedules and the next run date is there, but when I run sp_help_job the next run date does not show.  I have also checked the targetserverrole member and it does have select permissions, however, in EM, the Next Run Date is still showing, (Date and Time are not available). 


    Any other ideas?





  • Like Newbie I have the axact same problem.  2There is no next run date!  Further more, I cannot start manually anny job.  The next run date is in sysjobschedules but not in sp_help_job.  I really need some help!!!!!




  • Not sure what causes the "Date and Time Not Available", but a simple Re-Boot of the server corrects the problem

  • Ensure the SQL Server Agent Started. Job Schedules option is enabled and job is enable as well.

    Good Luck!


  • This message can appear if your SQL Server Agent Service is not started.

    The SQL server agent is not enabled by default so you will need to go into your Surface Area Config tool to enable it.


    Kindest Regards,

    Catherine Eibner

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