Convert a Group By Row Result into Columns (holy grail...)

  • Hi guys (and gals),

    This is my first post, and the reason I have joined your community.

    I have a query table with the following info in it:-

    AgentID     EventID
    2001        A
    2002        A
    2001        A
    2001        B
    2002        E
    2002        F
    2002        G

    and what I would like to do is return:-

    AgentID     A     B     E     F      G
    2001        2     1     0     0      0
    2002        1     0     1     1      1

    At the moment I am using something like:-

    Select AgentID, Sum(Case When EventID='A' Then 1 Else 0 End) as A, {repeat for every bloody letter of the alphabet} Group By AgentID, Order By AgentID

    Now this works fine, but I can't believe that there is not a simpler way of doing this, i.e. something like: Select AgentID, CountOfGroupingOfColumn(EventID)  - If you get the picture....

    In any case my 26 Select clause works.... it just seems a bit rubbish thats all....


    Comments greatly appreciated.


  • Paul,

    I've been writing T-SQL for about a 2yrs now and I've never seen such a function like that.  If you find one let me know because I make full use of the CASE statement all the time, and things can get kinda hairy.


  • This is a classic Crosstab query.

    Search on this forum for "Crosstab" and you will come up with some tips, tricks and procs.



    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Ok... I can see that working (although all it does is create the same query I would have created anyway....)

    But how does that translate to a single ADO type Query from ASP; ie.


    MyRst.Open "Select * from...."





  • Also....

    I need it to return events that are not present;

    AgentID   A   B   C .... Z

    with zero's in the empty columns....

    I am now assuming I need a while / wend type thing? - I can program this server-side in ASP, but I was hoping for a more 'elegant' solution...

  • Yup crosstabs is not a forte in SQL :-(, it could be easier to manage in code...

    What You could do is write a method (in VB/C#... ) that takes a recordset:

    Rowtext, Coltext, Value

    2001   A       2

    2002   A           1

    2001   B       1

    2002   B       0



    2001   E       1

    2002   E           1

    2001   F           0

    2001   F           0

    2002   F           1

    2001   G       0

    2002   G       1



    And transforms this to a crosstab:

    public static DataTable Crosstab( DataTable tableToCrosstab ){...}

    This You could reuse for crosstab purposes,

    The SQL would be responsible for just retrieving the data in the specified format: Rowtext, Coltext, Value.

    ( I know I did something similar once for crosstabing in an app,

    SQL for dataretrieval, Method for crosstab formatting in app&nbsp


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • If the purpose for producing the cross-tab is to generate a report then most reporting tools (SQL RS or Crystal) will produce the cross-tab for you. YOu can even pull the data into Access via a linked table in Access and it will easily cross-tab the data.

    It all depends on what your need is...


  • You can use dynamic sql





    @CHAR       VARCHAR(50),

    @TCHAR  VARCHAR(50),

    @CHARLEN       INT,

    @BEGIN      INT,

    @END        INT,

    @Eventlist varchar(100),

    @eventcount int,

    @SQL VARCHAR(5000),





    SET @SQL=''

    set @eventlist=''

     SELECT @EventLIST=@EventLIST+ISNULL(S.eventid,'')+','  FROM

    (SELECT DISTINCT eventid FROM agentevents ) S

    SET @MYSQL='SUM(CASE WHEN eventid = ''XYZ'' THEN 1   ELSE 0 END)'

    --print @mysql

    SET @CHARLEN = LEN(@eventlist)

    SET @BEGIN = 1

    SET @END = CHARINDEX(',',@eventlist)




          IF @END = 0


                       SET @CHAR = RTRIM(@eventlist)


          SET @END = CHARINDEX(',',@eventlist, @BEGIN)


          IF @END = 0



                SET @CHAR = SUBSTRING(@eventlist,@BEGIN,@CHARLEN - @BEGIN + 1)

              SET @SQL =@SQL+ ','+REPLACE(@MYSQL,'XYZ',@CHAR) + 'AS ' +  @CHAR




          SET @CHAR = SUBSTRING(@eventlist,@BEGIN,@END - @BEGIN)


          SET @BEGIN = @END + 1



           SET @SQL =@SQL+ ','+REPLACE(@MYSQL,'XYZ',@CHAR) + 'AS '  + @CHAR





    SELECT @SQL='Select Agentid ,'+@SQL+'  FROM AgentEvents   


        GROUP BY  Agentid'




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