Scheduling DTS Package failing

  • I constructed a fairly simple DTS package that exports a table to a flat file on the the same SQL Server.

    When I attempt to schedule that package I receive the following error:

    Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQL STATE: 42000)

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Login failed for user '(null)'.  Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

    Nothing has changed in my environment that I'm aware of.  Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • Once you schedule the package, SQL Server creates a job to execute the package.  In EM, go to Management>>SQL Server Agent>>Jobs and find the job for your package.  Look at the job properties and make sure the Owner is set correctly.

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thanks John.  The problem is that SQL Server is not creating the job.

    BTW: This is SQL Server 7.0 Std Ed.

  • Ah, I appologize.  I did not read your question correctly.  I was thinking that your error was during runtime. 

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • I haven't used SQL 7.0 in a long time and I rarely use DTS, but I have seen that kind of error before when SQL security authentication is set to Windows only and you are trying to connect to SQL with a SQL Server login.

    I may be way off but thought I would throw that out there..

  • David,

    Thanks for the response.  The server is set for Mixed Mode authentication, and I have jobs that have already been setup that are working fine.


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