query: reference query columns from within query

  • Howdy.

    This may be a simple question, but I can't figure a way to describe it in Googlish terms.

    select 1 as first, 2 as second, first + second

    Basically I want to reference a column of a query by the name I've given it. In my actual case I have a column that is a complicated expression, and I'd like to use that same complicated expression as part of another column's expression. But referencing it by the name I've given it doesn't work.



  • Select out of a derived table:

    Select first, second, first + second


    -- Create derived table within parentheses


      Select 1 As first, 2 As second

      From Yourtable

    ) dt

  • I see how that would work for my example, but I can't wrap my head around how I would make my real query work like that. Is that the only way to reference a column from within the same query (a column that's really an expression)?

    Real query below. The two big columns, [Finding Cost $/BOE] and [Dev Cost] would really benefit from being able to reference other columns that are expressions. Otherwise I see myself essentially expanding those with the actual expressions, and that would be unmaintainable.




    acq.name as Deal,

    e.name as [Well Name],





    total_cost * total_wi as [Net Actual Cost],

    gross_oil_res_added_post * total_nri as [Net Oil Reserves],

    gross_gas_res_added_post * total_nri as [Net Gas Reserves],

    gross_oil_res_added_post * total_nri + gross_gas_res_added_post * total_nri / 5.5 as [Net BOE],


    when gross_oil_res_added_post * total_nri + gross_gas_res_added_post * total_nri / 5.5 > 0


    (total_cost * total_wi

    / (gross_oil_res_added_post * total_nri + gross_gas_res_added_post * total_nri / 5.5))

    / 1000

    else 0

    end as [Finding Cost $/BOE],


    when [Finding Cost $/BOE] > 0


    [Net Actual Cost]

    / ([Post Inc Rates Oil] + ([Post Inc Rates Gas] / 5.5) * total_nri)

    else 0

    end as [Dev Cost],

    incremental_rates_oil_post * total_nri as [Net Oil Prod],

    incremental_rates_gas_post * total_nri as [Net Gas Prod],

    incremental_rates_oil_post * total_nri + incremental_rates_gas_post * total_nri / 5.5 as [Net Prod BOE]


    dbo.afe a

    LEFT JOIN #tmp_cum tmpc on a.id = tmpc.afe_id

    LEFT JOIN #tmp_int tmpi on a.id = tmpi.afe_id

    LEFT JOIN dbo.entity e on a.id_entity = e.id

    LEFT JOIN dbo.acquisition acq on acq.id = e.id_acquisition

    LEFT JOIN dbo.engineering eng on eng.id_afe = a.id

    LEFT JOIN dbo.land l on l.id_afe = a.id

  • Yes, there are only two ways to handle this situation. Either you have to repeat the entire calculation of [Finding Cost $/BOE] column, or you have to use derived table. You can not reference a column that is created within the same SELECT and use the alias of that column.

    First I would suggest using table names/aliases with all columns (e.g. a.incremental_rates_oil_post * tmpc.total_nri as [Net Oil Prod]); it helps a lot when you try to resolve problems... and then decide which of the two solutions is better for you. I prefer derived tables.

    I also use to write commands and keywords with capital letters to make the code more readable.

  • Since your issue is maintenance/code reuse, a view would be the best solution, rather than a derived table (inline view).

    It's not particularly useful here since the calculations are simple and the columns involved numerous, but you could also use a scalar UDF if you need to reuse the same calculation in a number of different queries.

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

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