Background Images in Reporting Services

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  • Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the article - a great summary.

    I have been working with a number of these options recently. A particularly useful feature is being able to set the background image based on some criteria in the data using an expression.  Something like a big red "DRAFT" watermark can be quite nice in certain circumstances.

    One question: in SSRS 2000 SP2 we keep on getting situations where images are not displayed in the report (whether populated from the database, or an embedded image) - we simply get that irritating little red X in place of the image.  This appears to happen when deployed to certain servers, but not on others.  Any security issues or other pointers to solving this issue?




  • I dont have a SQL2K instance installed anymore to experiment on, but my guess would be that it's a path problem more than a security problem, but it depends on how you stored your image. I'd try taking a report that works correctly and deploy to a different server to see what happens. Not a lot of help I know!

  • Andy,

    I developed a report with an IIF(PARAMETER.bla="DRAFT","draft","final") for the background.

    Where draft and final are embeded images. In Visual Studio it works fantastic!, but when I upload neither image appears. I tried the same with external and used the actual file names and after uploading the image files I got the same results. In both instances it works fine in Visual Studio. Once uploaded, BEEP!

    Any Ideas?


  • It should work:-) I added a report to a project, then added two images as well. Source=external, value==IIF(Parameters!SetBack.Value="DRAFT","e2ead2.png","e2ead1.png"). Report worked fine in IDE or deployed. I would start by making sure both images got uploaded to the same folder as the report and that you can see them.

    Note that while it doesnt apply to your issue, the parameter value will be case sensitive, so entering Draft, draft, or any other value other than upper case DRAFT will cause it to match to the else clause. Can be fixed by just coercing the input value to uppercase in the comparison.

  • Andy,

    First off, thanks for taking a look! After a long day... I discoverd that the background was actually showing up, below my screen and fixed in place. In otherwords when I collaped my parameter selection portion of the report, up popped the word DRAFT.... And it stayed in the same place as I scrolled through the page. Strange behavior. When I exported it to a PDF file it appears on the first page... So I think I'm on the right track now. Now I've got to see if I can get it to appear on all of the pages of the PDF.

    Again, Thanks, at the end of the day I enjoy working with SQL reporting much more than I did with Crystal.

  • Nice Article , But i have one problem here, I am embeded the image in the background of the report, But i want it in the center of the report. How Could i do this ?? I tryed a lots but didnt get.

  • I m having 1 doubt.I have to Put a water Mark logo in the body section of report. But that logo is conditional. In 1 condition it will be displayed or else it will be invisible . How to handle this IFF and where?

    Plz help ....

  • In continuation tp my previous post . I tried to put

    IIF(Fields!fk_Order_Status.value.indexof("PENDING_SHIPMENT")<>-1,"WaterMark"," Flower")

    where WaterMark n Flower are my embedded images.

    I wanna show Watermark in 1 condition n Flower in other.

    But it is not wrking fine. Giving build errors. that Backgrung image is wrong.

    Plz help it's urgent.....

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the article. Here's my question. I need to print a 2 page form as a report. How do I add 2 images as page 1 and page 2?


  • I'm developing a 18-20 page pdf report, each page has background images, dynamic images being pulled in, dynamic text, etc. I also need to batch generate a 1,000 of the reports at a time for different users in PDF.

    Which is the most efficient method for displaying/rendering images? Embedded, URL, External?



  • Thanks for the Article.

    I want to have a resizable background image. I have adjusted the size of by BG image to

    look proper in 100% zoom. But when I change it to 40% or less or greater the BG Image doesn't resize as

    my rest of the report does.It looks odd.

    I am using embedded image. Can you please help.


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