Very Urgent!! Backup and Restore Questions

  • We are using SQL Server 2005 for our application which was running on SQL default instance. Now I have named instance created. I have a backup file (Data.DAT) that I want to restore it into named instance only. Is there anyways I can do it. Please suggest. Any sample T-SQL code is much appreciated.

    Additionally, I want to move all the existing databases from default instance to named instance. Can you provide me a sample script that I can refer to? Can I remove default instance once all the database moved to named instance

    Please help!!!

  • After connecting to your SQL Server Named Instance run the following T-SQL

    Please replace the drive and location with exact the location of your files.

    RESTORE DATABASE DATA[DatabaseName] FROM DISK = 'Drive:\Data.bak'

    WITH MOVE 'MDFFileLogicalName' TO 'D:\DataFile.mdf',

    MOVE 'LDFFileLogicalName' TO 'D:\DataFile.mdf'

    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Check this article from Microsoft:

  • Thanks for your quick reply Prasad.

    How can I connect to Named instance using T-SQL. Is there any parameter I will have to use inside T-SQL that will connect SQL Named Instance??

  • You can do it using sql query analyzer using the connection dialog option if you have credentials for the named instance database. You can also use New Query icon on the Management Studio tool bar and it will prompt you to select database engine, Server Name : Please mention your named instance and give the user name and password credentials.

    Prasad Bhogadi

  • I want to do it inside T-SQL script and then this script will run on user's machine. We have various users uses the application and every user have its own SQL databases. So for new users, the script needs to run and restore the database only in the named instance. What switch or command I will have to add in the script to connect to Named instance and restore the database into it.

  • Yes, you can do it using sqlcmd.

    Inside the script, you use the following syntax (an example from setting up database mirroring using such a script)

    :SETVAR PrincipalServer (local)\SQLDev01

    :SETVAR MirrorServer (local)\SQLDev02

    :SETVAR WitnessServer (local)\SQLExpress

    :SETVAR Database2Mirror TicketSalesDB




    :CONNECT $(PrincipalServer)

    -- do some stuff

    :CONNECT $(MirrorServer)

    -- do some more stuff

    :CONNECT $(PrincipalServer)

    -- back to the other server again

    Get the idea?

    Paul Randal
    CEO, Check out SQLskills online training! Twitter: @PaulRandal
    SQL MVP, Microsoft RD, Contributing Editor of TechNet Magazine
    Author of DBCC CHECKDB/repair (and other Storage Engine) code of SQL Server 2005

  • The Easy way to move you databases would be to deattach the datases and re- attach

    just remember to note the location of your mdf file


  • Below is my script:

    @echo off

    REM - Set the DATAABSETEMP variable to the

    SET DATABASEFOLDER=C:\My Documents\TIMS\Databases


    echo Restoring EZSalesOrder Database

    echo Restoring EZSalesOrder Database >> ezso_db_restore_output.txt

    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\osql" -E -Q -S (local)\HES "RESTORE DATABASE EZSalesOrder FROM DISK = N'%DATABASETEMP%\EZSODB.DAT' WITH FILE = 1, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10"

    @echo on

    But it is not working. It is not recoginizing -S switch with (local)\HES. Any thoughts??

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