TRIM functions do not work

  • A bit confused, the RTRIM() OR LTRIM() functions do not seem to work any more. We do have a straight forward SQL 2K (SP4). This has started very recentlty. The UPDATE query is quite simple....


    set )

    Any advice please?


  • A bit hard to tell , they still do work, are you able to post your query and the table with some sample data?

  • Question: are you using CHAR or VARCHAR? I ask because RTRIM and LTRIM probably do not work the way you expect for CHAR. Remember, they're not variable in length, if you trim them, they just have to be re-filled again.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • I agree with Barry... if you are using CHAR instead of VARCHAR, then things don't appear quite the same way. Also, there's a lot of characters that look like spaces that aren't. For example, I believe character 160 is a hard-space and is unaffected by Trim functions.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Thanks all for your time and advice. Apology, I am a bit late in getting back. Was out for a few days. Unfortunately the datatey is varchar in both the tables. As I was checking manually I found a few 'New Line' charecter in a few rows (and the TRIM worked after those were removed), However, could not see any duch charecter in the reming ones, and the problem still continues......

    The DML is pretty straight forward..

    UPDATE Table_Name

    SET Col1 = RTRIM(LTRIM(Col1))

    WHERE Condition

    Thanks and Regards

  • I think you should identify one of the rows you want to update and then print out the ascii code of each character in the field: maybe you'll find tabs (char(9)) and other messy things.

    You could try:

    UPDATE Table_Name

    SET Col1 = REPLACE(RTRIM(LTRIM(Col1)),char(9),'')

    WHERE Condition



    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Unless I am mis reading something (I haven't had my coffee yet), the article gives the same definition of LTrim and RTrim. I believe that the definition for RTrim is incorrect.

  • I did make a procedure to remove bad charachters a long time ago.

    In this case the characters to be removed are stored in table scrapsign with column sign varchar(1).

    This will probably also work if you store the ascii code per sign to be removed in each row (extend varchar to more signs)

    DECLARE @sign varchar(1)

    DECLARE sign_Cursor CURSOR

    FOR SELECT sign

    FROM scrapsign

    OPEN sign_Cursor


    FROM sign_Cursor into @sign



    UPDATE Table_Name

    SET Col1 = REPLACE(RTRIM(LTRIM(Col1)),@sign,'')

    --WHERE Condition


    FROM sign_Cursor into @sign


    CLOSE sign_Cursor

    DEALLOCATE sign_Cursor


  • Or... you can beat the crud out of a string anyway you like... 🙂 CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_Extract




    Removes unwanted characters from a string.



    Possible inclusive values for @Type...

    Alpha or Ltr = Letters [A-Z,a-z] included

    Numeric or Num = Numeric digits [0-9] included

    Spaces or Spc = Spaces included

    Symbols or Sym = Special symbols not in the above but less than ASCII

    127 and greater than ASCII 31 included (sometimes

    called "special characters"). These include

    characters like `~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\|[{]};:'", /?, etc.

    Extended or Ext = Characters above ASCII 127 are included

    Control, Ctrl, or Ctl = Control characters such as TAB, Carriage Return, etc.

    Trim or Trm = Leading and trailing spaces are dropped.

    Condense,Cond, or Cnd = Multiple adjacent spaces reduced to 1 space.

    Any combination of the above will work. For example, LtrNumSpcTrm will return

    all letters, numbers, and embedded spaces and without any leading or trailing


    Created by Jeff Moden, 02/26/2006


    --===== Declare the input parameters and the return type of the function


    @String VARCHAR(8000), --Contains the input string to "clean"

    @Type VARCHAR(100) --Contains controls of what to return






    --===== Define the local variables

    DECLARE @Desired TINYINT --@Type converted to a bit mask

    DECLARE @Output VARCHAR(8000) --The cleaned output

    DECLARE @iLength INT --Length of the input string

    DECLARE @NumCnd INT --Times to convert 2 spaces to 1 for condensation

    --===== Preset the output to an empty string

    SET @Output = ''

    --===== Determine the length of the input string

    -- Use DATALENGTH instead of LEN to handle @String of all spaces

    SET @iLength = DATALENGTH(@String)

    --===== Convert the input control to a bit mask to make processing easier

    SET @Desired = 0

    IF @Type LIKE '%Alpha%' OR @Type LIKE '%Ltr%'

    SET @Desired = @Desired + 1

    IF @Type LIKE '%Numeric%' OR @Type LIKE '%Num%'

    SET @Desired = @Desired + 2

    IF @Type LIKE '%Spaces%' OR @Type LIKE '%Spc%'

    SET @Desired = @Desired + 4

    IF @Type LIKE '%Symbols%' OR @Type LIKE '%Sym%'

    SET @Desired = @Desired + 8

    IF @Type LIKE '%Extended%' OR @Type LIKE '%Ext%'

    SET @Desired = @Desired + 16

    IF @Type LIKE '%Control%' OR @Type LIKE '%Ctl%' OR @Type LIKE '%Ctrl%'

    SET @Desired=@Desired + 32

    --===== Create the output using only those types of characters desired

    SELECT @Output = @Output + SUBSTRING(@String,N,1)

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE N <= @iLength

    AND @Desired&CASE --Character type must be included in desired mask

    -- Mask character as '1' if it is Alpha (A-Z,a-z)

    WHEN SUBSTRING(@String,N,1) LIKE '[A-Z]'

    AND ASCII(SUBSTRING(@String,N,1)) < 127

    THEN 1

    -- Mask character as '2' if it is Numeric (0-9)

    WHEN SUBSTRING(@String,N,1) LIKE '[0-9]'

    THEN 2

    -- Mask character as '4' if it is a space

    WHEN SUBSTRING(@String,N,1) = ' '

    THEN 4

    -- Mask character as '8' if it is a Special Symbol

    WHEN SUBSTRING(@String,N,1) LIKE '[!-~]'

    THEN 8

    -- Mask character as '16' if it is an Extended Character

    WHEN SUBSTRING(@String,N,1) > CHAR(127)

    THEN 16

    -- Mask character as '16' if it is a Control Character

    WHEN SUBSTRING(@String,N,1) < ' '

    OR SUBSTRING(@String,N,1) = CHAR(127)

    THEN 32

    --Should never occur but good practice.

    ELSE 0

    END > 0

    --===== If the trim option is present, drop leading and training spaces

    IF @Type LIKE '%Trim%' OR @Type LIKE '%Trm%'

    SET @Output = LTRIM(RTRIM(@Output))

    --===== If the condense option is present, reduce multiple spaces to one.

    IF @Type LIKE '%Condense%' OR @Type LIKE '%Cnd%' OR @Type LIKE '%Cond%'


    -- Determine Number of times we need to convert 2 spaces to 1

    -- This just helps performance a bit instead of always doing 13

    SET @NumCnd = CAST((LOG(LEN(@Output))/LOG(2))+1 AS INT)

    -- Now, condense the spaces using a setbased "loop"

    SELECT @Output = REPLACE(@Output,' ',' ')

    FROM dbo.Tally

    WHERE N<@NumCnd



    RETURN @Output



    --===== Small demo... have some fun....

    SELECT dbo.udf_extract('(248) 515-1212','Num')

    FROM dbo.TALLY

    If you don't have a Tally (or Numbers) table or, maybe, don't know how it works even if you do have one, take a look at the following URL. 😉

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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