Users cannot access SQL views via Ms Access

  • I have a sql database with various views and tables which users access via linked odbc in MS Access. They have no problem viewing the tables but they access the views. The sql for one of the view is as follows

    ALTER VIEW [dbo].[vw_SUS_Challenge_AandE_OUTPUT]


    SELECT dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.AANDE_ID, dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.HOSPITAL_NO, Practice.PRACTICE_LONG_NAME, AE.Practice_Code, GP.GP_NAME,

    dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.NHS_NUMBER, Patient.FORENAME, Patient.SURNAME, Patient.POSTCODE, dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.PROVIDER_CODE,

    dbo.PBC_Providers.providerName, 'AE' AS APC_OP, dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.POD, AE.Sex, dbo.udf_calculateAge(AE.Date_of_Birth,

    dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.ATTENDANCE_DATE) AS Age, dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.COST, dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.NOTES,

    dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.MONTH_OF_ATTENDANCE,AE.Arrival_Date,dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.PRICE_SOURCE, dbo.SUS_Challenge_Reasons.QUERY_STATUS,

    dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.CHALLENGE_GROUP, dbo.SUS_Challenge_Groups.GROUP_NAME, dbo.SUS_Challenge_Reasons.REASON



    nwcscmdsdata.dbo.Acc_and_Emer_CMDS_Data AE INNER JOIN

    dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE ON AE.AandE_ID = dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.AANDE_ID INNER JOIN

    dbo.SUS_Challenge_Groups ON dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.CHALLENGE_GROUP = dbo.SUS_Challenge_Groups.CHALLENGE_GROUP INNER JOIN

    dbo.SUS_Challenge_Reasons ON dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.CHALLENGE_GROUP = dbo.SUS_Challenge_Reasons.CHALLENGE_GROUP AND



    BRENTREPODB02.Olympus.dbo.NSTS_PATIENT Patient ON dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.NHS_NUMBER = Patient.NHS_NUMBER COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS ON

    Practice.GP_PRACTICE_CODE COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = AE.Practice_Code ON

    dbo.PBC_Providers.providerCode = dbo.SUS_Challenge_AandE.PROVIDER_CODE

    WHERE (dbo.SUS_Challenge_Reasons.QUERY_STATUS = 'AA') OR (dbo.SUS_Challenge_Reasons.QUERY_STATUS = 'BB')

    I have attached an image of the error message that the users get when they try and access the view in MS Access.

    Any ideas on how to solve this would be very much appreciated.

  • I think the error message you are getting indicates a timeout. If you are using a linked table in Access then by default it is a DAO connection object and you cannot set the same breadth of tunable parameters that you can with an ADO connection. Specifically with an ADO connection in code you can set the connection and command timeout values to 0 (zero) which means no timeout, so it waits forever for rows to be returned. However with a default DAO connection you have no timeout values to set and so it gives up after a relatively short time.

    If this is the case, then you could fix the situation by:

    - creating an ADO connection inside a code module and connecting to the server via code


    - put a clustered index on the view, which would have the effect of persisting the data in the indexed fields, causing the view to be constructed much more quickly


    - simplify the view so it has fewer joins and takes less time and memory to build

    Hope this helps.


  • Hi

    I think there is an authentication problem. If you have a look to your attached error message you see in last row that your Access application either tries to connect with windows authentication or without any log on information. Try to reconnect the views.



  • indeed ... an authorzation issue to the linked server BRENTREPODB02.

    How did you set up the linked server usage security ?

    BTW: nice view ... using the mixture of right and inner joins.

    Probably no technical problem with that, just your dba may have

    a usage problem analysing it from right to left. (so from bottom to top)

    Most of us prefer the combination with left joins because of the ease of reading and interpreting.


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  • I'm confused. I was assuming it was only the standard MS Access linked-tables connection. If there is nothing wrong with the table links, could there be a separate security problem with the views? Maybe if the views are owned by a different schema that his user doesn't have access to?


  • After looking into the scenario more closely I have found it to be an authentication issue in a double hop scenario. By deploying delegation with configured Kerberos I managed to solve the problem

  • Thank you for the feedback.


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