Can't drop user Database

  • EM shows the XX_database in single user mode but when I do a "sp_helpdb" the XX_databases doesn't appear but it does show the name when I do a "select name from sys.sysdatabases". When I try to " sp_dboption XX_database, 'single user', false" it error out with a deadlock. Is the only way to get rid-of the database is to stop the service and remove is mdf & ldf.

  • If your program is complaining that the DB is in use, that is so because the SQL Server tells it it is. So, use the SQL Server Tools to find out who is using the DB. Note that you can only close DBs whose authentication you have, and if an external user is using the DB or just forgot to close it, you are out of luck and must close the connection manually as the SQL Server's operator.

  • But it's not in use, when I look at the output from sp_who2 or Activity from EM, there are no user/spid log into that database.

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