Machine Size

  • I have been analyzing Analysis Services for a few months now and really like some of the features that it has. Currently, we use Essbase for OLAP. I was wondering if anybody can give me some insight into the size of the server I would need to support the usage of 200 users (50 concurrently). When I refer to size, I mean number of processors, processor size, RAM, etc. I am not sure how resource intensive Analysis Services is, so any insight is appreciated.



  • Joe,

    Not recommending any product line here but Compaq has a sizer utility that can be pretty handy. You would be best suited running this yourself as you can answer the questions that fit your environment such as queries per hour, size of tables, utilization of temp_db, and on and on and on. So, I hope it helps and please don't feel like I am recommending any manufacturer (is that a good disclaimer?).,1027,539-6-100-225-1,00.htm



    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

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