Maximum number of Prefixes

  • I am getting following error on my sp

    "Server: Msg 117, Level 15, State 1, Procedure dbspCalcdbaSpaceDist, Line 77

    The object name 'uszhoit25794.dbspace..dbaSpaceDist.' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 3."

    There the code at line 77

    insert uszhoit25794.dbspace..dbaSpaceDist.dbaSpaceDist

    select substring( lFileNM, 1, 20),

    ((cast( TotExt as numeric( 10, 4))* 32) / 512),

    ((cast( UsdExt as numeric( 10, 4))* 32) / 512),

    --((cast( TotExt - UsdExt as numeric( 10, 4))* 32) / 512),

    (100 - ( (((cast( UsdExt as numeric( 10, 4))* 32) / 512) * 100 ) / ((cast( TotExt as numeric( 10, 4))* 32) / 512))),




    from #dataspace

    Any idea?


  • Your table name "uszhoit25794.dbspace..dbaSpaceDist.dbaSpaceDist" contains to many qualifiers. Looks like you are trying to reference a linked server "uszhoit25794", and on that server you are trying to insert records into "dbspace..dbaSpaceDist", but you are reference that table with "dbspace..dbaSpaceDist.dbaSpaceDist". Remove the second "dbaSpaceDist" and see if that works.

  • Thanks for your help.

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