referring to added temp table columns in same sp

  • When I add a column to a temp table in a sproc, I can't later reference that column in the same sproc. Is this really a feature/limitation of T-SQL/sprocs or am I missing something?

    Here's some sample code:

    CREATE PROC usp_test


    select *

    into #test_temp

    from authors;

    alter table #test_temp add mycolumn varchar(50) null;

    update #test_temp set mycolumn = 'hello'; --line 10

    select * from #test_temp;


    -- run it


    /* results

    (23 row(s) affected)

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure usp_test, Line 10

    Invalid column name 'mycolumn'.


    I've just learned to work around this type of problem by creating two sp's and calling them both from one "wrapper" sp. That seems like a "hack". The above procedure just seems like it should work (esp. since it will work when the sproc body is run as a script)

    Any thoughts? tips?




  • Have you tried creating your temp table before you populate it.

    CREATE TABLE #test_temp.......

    INSERT INTO #test_temp (....)

    SELECT .....

    FROM authors

    ALTER TABLE #test_temp ADD mycolumn varchar(50) null

    etc etc....

  • Just to followup, the following code works:

    CREATE PROC usp_test


    select *,'x' as mycolumn

    into #test_temp

    from authors;

    alter table #test_temp alter column mycolumn varchar(50) null;

    update #test_temp set mycolumn = 'hello'; --line 10

    select * from #test_temp;

    This gives me the hoped for results, and allows me to control the data type of the additional column.

    I guess I'm just looking for a little more detail on deferred name resolution/sproc compilation so I understand *why* the first example I posted doesn't work.

    paul: yeah, I've tried that. It doesn't help the sproc chokes whenever it accesses a column added after the table creation.




  • Have you taken a look at this article

    I the example given is experiencing something similar.

  • paul: thanks for the link ... but I don't think it's that.

    Andy's problem was undoubtedly related to something in the ADO/OLE DB layers he was using.

    The problem I described is not intermittent - it happens every time. I'm sure the problem is due to a limitation (feature?) in SQL Server's deferred resolution.

    This KB article;en-us;Q295305 clearly shows that the problem I described is by design. You have to use a nested sproc.

    If anyone has tips/info on the details of deferred resolution to explain why, I'd love to hear it!




  • Finally, to answer my question one last time!

    In the MSDN Online library this note is given on the subject of deferred name resolution:


    Note Deferred Name Resolution can only be used when you reference nonexistent table objects. All other objects must exist at the time the stored procedure is created. For example, when you reference an existing table in a stored procedure you cannot list nonexistent columns for that table.

    This explanation is **much** clearer than BOL, and is exactly what I was looking for.



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