The memory could not be read

  • Hello All,

    I get this error message when I try to DTS, or register a new SQL Server, or when I start my SQL Server Agent.

    app.exe(like mmc.exe) - Application Error : The instruction at "0x1fa004c6" referenced memory at "0x004e0072". The memory could not be "read".

    Click on OK to terminate the program

    Click on CANCEL to debug the program

    I have observed this problem after I installed dot net on my system. I am running SQL Server 2000 on win 2000 server, with win sp3 and SQL Server sp2 and dot net sp2. I tried with all updates and patches but I still see the error. I was also able to duplicate this error on other systems. I am thinking that the SQL Server is failing when it is trying to look up for the servers.

    Any kind of help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

    with regards,


  • I have noticed a similar phenomenon on one of the laptops I carry. It's particular nasty on instant messenger clients. However, I've not seen it affect SQL Server in any way.

    My current environment is Win2K Server SP2 w/ SQL 2K Enterprise SP2 and .NET SP1.

    Did you install .NET before or after SQL Server? In my case, SQL Server was installed previously.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I also had this error. Re-installing SQL sp2 fixed it.

    - Troy King

  • Hello bkelley, katravax

    Thanks for your immediate response,

    Kelly I had SQL installed before dot net. I had the same problem on 4 systems, but I could not see this problem with XP. I even tried with MDAC2.7 latest version but of no use.

    katravax I just tried with the reinstall of SP2 but I still have the same problem

    Any ideas?

    Thank you.

  • Under what conditions could you duplicate the problem? Just started showing up or only after you install .NET application extensions? Does everything function properly at the server for those items you stated?

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • As of on the four machines that I have installed this problem only showed up after I installed dot net on these machines, so that was my only guess that dot net might have updated some files. I had been reading a lot of articles on these error on various sites. These error might rise due to various reasons, so I cann't even say that installing dot net might have caused the problem, but this error showed up on machines which have dot net on them. but this problem still exists even if I uninstall dot net. Previously I was working on some samples on .net and I came across the same error saying "Memory could not be read" that my problem I was having the dll that my application is referencing in the wrong directory. So I am assuming that it might have lost some references or else it might be reading null values when looking up for servers in DTS and SQL registration.


  • Have you tried reinstalling just the client components to see if corrects. If so and does not then the problem is with system dll's most likely that were change in the .NET update. Let me know, I have an info here somewhere to tell me the files in the .NET update and we can try to pinpoint from that. But I am betting on Common Controls and MSVisualC Runtime dlls.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • I didn't see it on my SQL client tools. I have seen it on apps I have installed prior to and after the .NET install. For instance, used to run AIM before. It would break about 1 out of 4 times with this error. I have installed Trillian afterwards and it breaks 1 out of 10 times.

    I would go with Antares solution and try and reinstall the client tools and then reapply the service pack to the particular system. That is probably your best bet.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Here is one more thing I found out. when I

    installed MDAC2.7 Refresh. on an win 2000 machine with SQL 2000 and when

    I try to do a look up for servers in any of the cases like DTS, or new

    SQL Server Registration, or else in Query Analyzer, I get the Program

    error saying "mmc.exe(or app.exe) has generated errors and will be

    closed by Windows. you will need to restart the program. An error log is

    being created.". So this might be problem with MDAC 2.7 version. In this case I donn't have .net on this system.

    I tried with reinstall but this didn't helped I re-applied the service pack2, but was still having the problem.



  • I'm not aware of MDAC 2.7 causing any issues like this, so that is odd. I have MDAC 2.7 on other systems in addition to my .NET system (had it before .NET because it was included in the SQL2K SP2 Beta). So it may be a combination of factors. Are there any other similarities besides MDAC 2.7?

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Kelly,

    I do not see any other similarities. The latest test I performed, I checked for any kind of errors before installing MDAC 2.7 Refresh, and I could not find any. Every thing was working fine. Once I installed MDAC I got the errors, and this was the only reason that made me believe that MDAC might have caused the problem.

    Is there any other way that I can check this? or else can do any kind of test?

    This error had killed my solid two days work, and till now I am without a solution.

  • If you reinstall the client tools or re-apply the SQL Server service pack, still the same error?

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Yes Brian,

    I am getting the same error again. I have reinstalled the client tools and also the sp2, but still got the same problem. Brian, do you think that a older SQL version on the network might cause the problem, or else any thing to do with network. Thanks.

  • I'm thinking it's probably the SQL Client tools + MDAC + something else. Case in point: we use Altiris and it caused an issue with a particular client for an enterprise scheduling system. Obviously we aren't going to chuck Altiris, but it did cause the same sort of error. The company with the scheduling system sent us a new executible that worked perfectly.

    What other applications are similar between the box with .NET and the one without? I'd start there.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian,

    The box without .net is my test machine it has nothing else on it except SQL 2000, PC Anywhere and Cisco VPN Client.

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