2 Server Communication

  • I have 2 SQL Servers (Prd and Dev). A SQL DTS Package resides on Dev, and it is a script to copy tables from Dev to Prd. When I call the on the package from ASP, the tranfers fail. Anyone know how to do this ?

  • Can you post the error message you recieve?

  • quote:

    Can you post the error message you recieve?

    I am using a 'trusted connection'/256 . It just says the step/task failed.

  • I got an error message that makes sense, but I still dont know how to immediately fix. In the log file it says the login failed for user 'NT Authority\Anonymous Login' - 80040E4D.


  • You are tring to access SQL Server with 'trust connection' from IIS server.

    Option1 : create SQL Server login with proper permissions to your database and modify your ASP connection string to use 'SQL Server authentication' to access SQL Server.

    connStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=x.x.x.x;Database=" & _

    dbname & ";UID=username;PWD=password"

    Option2 : Grant 'NT Authority\Anonymous Logon' to access SQL Server with proper permission to your database.

  • allen = could you give me some more sample code for Option 1.

    on Option 2 - how secure is that ?


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