Cursor for Update

  • Can someone please show me the syntax for cursor for update? I would like to use the cursor to update values in a table.

    J. Moseley

    [font="Courier New"]ZenDada[/font]

  • Don't use a cursor. Use a SET-based solution. Post the schema of the table and an explanation as to what you would like to update.

  • If you do want to use a Cursor for updating, you will need to ensure that the cursor is updatable. Some queries will return cursors where the cursor is not updatable.

    If you have an updatable cursor, then you use it like this:

    UPDATE MyTable

    SET MyField = @MyValue


  • Now, having said that, jpipes is mostly correct -- most things that are done with a Cursor can be done without one, and usually far more quickly. Contrary to what some folk will tell you, some things that can be done without a cursor are done more efficiently with a cursor, but this is a rare case.

  • Here is a simplified version of the task:

    Table Lottery

    AcctNo varchar(16)

    Cycle varchar(2)

    Bal numeric(9,2)

    EmpNo varchar(6) - starts as null - want to assign empno's to this field randomly

    Table Emp

    EmpNo varchar(6)

    Cycle varchar(2)

    I need to assign empno's to accounts matching on cycles (think of cycles as teams). I need to make sure that employees get ~ the same number of accounts and average balances. On days where there are fewer accounts to assign than employees in that cycle, I still have to assign - so in that case the assignment still has to be random, except that no employee who 'wins the lottery' should get more than one account.

    J. Moseley

    [font="Courier New"]ZenDada[/font]

  • This ended up being my solution - not designed for speed for sure but it's not too slow given the size of my dataset - it gives me exactly what I want:

    declare cur_empno cursor


    for SELECT EmpNo

    FROM vw_Staff v


    ORDER BY NewID()

    open cur_empno

    fetch next from cur_empno into @EmpNo

    declare cur_randass cursor


    for SELECT EmpNo

    FROM tbl_Placements


    AND (CYC = @CYC)

    AND Bal < 11500.00

    AND PlcmtDt = dbo.fxn_truncdate(getdate())

    ORDER BY NewID()

    open cur_randass

    fetch next from cur_randass into @RandAss


    UPDATE tbl_Placements

    SET EmpNo = @EmpNo

    WHERE CURRENT OF cur_randass

    fetch next from cur_empno into @EmpNo

    if (@@fetch_status<>0)fetch first from cur_empno into @EmpNo

    fetch next from cur_randass into @RandAss

    J. Moseley

    [font="Courier New"]ZenDada[/font]

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