xp_sendmail @attachments

  • I have a question about the @attachments option. I got a job that used a query and I put the result in an attachment like @attachments = 'somefile.txt'

    It was working fine, but suddenly it started failing. The error I got was "Attachment open failure. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 17912). The step failed."

    I then took out the option and it's now working fine with a default attachment file name - sqlA28.txt, sqlA29.txt.... etc.

    Why can't I use my own name anymore? And how far will SQL svr generate these default file names? sqlZ99.txt? Will it eventually fail too?



  • I have a few questions:

    1) Has the directory changed for the file from when it was working till now?

    2) Do you have access to the directory?

    3) Does the account that SQL Server is running under have access to the directory?

    4)how large is the file that you are trying to send?


  • Good question.

    Our DBA was recently laid off, so it could have been a permission problem. (the DBA group boss has taken over the duties and locked down some permissions I used to have.)

    Actually, I am not sure what the answer is to your first 3 questions. I wrote the query, and put @attachments = 'somefile.txt' in it, and it had worked. I don't know where SQL Server generate and perhaps store that txt file.

    File size is real small - less than 5KB.

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