Help with Query !!!!

  • Hi-

    I have a situation where the following is the table structure.




    DataId INT (FK REFERENCES tblData.DataId)



    CustomerId INT IDENTITY

    DataId INT (FK REFERENCES tblData.DataId)




    DataName VARCHAR(100)

    DataCategory VARCHAR(50)

    DataCategory tells me if the record is a Vendor or a Customer. We have some very strong reasons why we had to design it this way. Now my task is to display the

    DataId and the Associated Id in the Vendor or Customer tables depending on the Category.

    I can't figure this out. I know we need to use a CASE but can I use CASE to join the tables? I was trying something in the lines of:

    SELECT DISTINCT tbldata.DataID,

    CASE tblDataCategory.DataCategoryName

    WHEN 'Customer' THEN tblCustomer.CustomerId

    WHEN 'Vendor' THEN tblVendor.VendorId

    END InstanceId

    FROM tblData AS tbldata,

    INNER JOIN tblDataCategory,

    ON tblData.DataCategoryId = tblDataCategory.DataCategoryId

    CASE tblDataCategory.DataCategoryName

    WHEN 'Customer' THEN tblCustomer.CustomerId

    WHEN 'Vendor' THEN Vendor.VendorId

    END InstanceId

    Appreciate all your help


  • Sarat

    Is this what you're looking for? Just paste my code into QA replacing my table vars with your tables.

    Hope this helps.



    declare @tblVendor table (VendorId INT IDENTITY,DataId INT )

    declare @tblCustomer table (CustomerId INT IDENTITY, DataId INT)

    declare @tblData table (DataId INT IDENTITY,DataName VARCHAR(100),DataCategory VARCHAR(50) )

    insert into @tblData (DataName, DataCategory)

    values('data item1','Customer')

    insert into @tblData

    values('data item2','Vendor')

    insert into @tblCustomer(DataId)


    insert into @tblVendor(DataId)


    SELECT DISTINCT (D1.DataId) as dataID,

    CustomerId as linkedID,

    D1.DataName as dataname,

    'Customer' as linktype

    from @tblData D1

    inner join @tblCustomer C on C.DataId = D1.DataId


    SELECT DISTINCT (D.DataID) as dataID,

    VendorID as linkedID,

    D.DataName as dataname,

    'Vendor' as linktype

    from @tblData D inner join @tblVendor V on V.DataID = D.DataID


    K Leb

  • You might try the following... Since I don't have a schema to try it on it may fail. But it should give you the idea.

    , CASE td.DataCategory
    WHEN 'Customer' THEN (SELECT DISTINCT CustomerID FROM tblCustomer WHERE DataID = td.DataID)
    WHEN 'Vendor' THEN (SELECT DISTINCT VendorID FROM tblVendor WHERE DataID = td.DataID)
    END InstanceID
    FROM tblData td

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Working from your pseudo DDL rather than the schema in your pseudo SQL, perhaps you want just this:

    SELECT d.DataId,
    CASE d.DataCategory
    WHEN 'Vendor' THEN v.VendorId
    WHEN 'Customer' THEN c.CustomerId
    END AS InstanceId
    FROM tblData d
    LEFT JOIN tblVendor v ON d.DataId = v.DataId
    LEFT JOIN tblCustomer c ON d.DataId = c.DataId

    Using DISTINCT makes no sense, as the rsults are guaranteed unique by the IDENTITY property (and I assume they are the primary keys).



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