Getting login Type

  • Hi,

    Does anyone know how to obtain an account’s Type that is shown in Enterprise Manager, Server, Security, Logins? I need to know if an account is Standard, Windows Group, or Windows User. I would like to be able to do this in a query. Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • You want to look at the isntuser and isntgroup columns of syslogins.

  • You want to look at the isntuser and isntgroup columns of syslogins.

  • I guess I'm blind, but what database is syslogins in?

  • never mind, I found it. Doesn't show in EM!!! I thought this was the table I needed, but just couldn't see it.

    Thanks All!

  • Lee,

    syslogins is not a table, its a view, which is probably why you couldn't find it in EM.

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