Timeout Expired to early ASP.net

  • Using ASP.net and a SqlConnection, I have the Connect Timeout = 360

    But it is expiring only after about 20secs.  The value is holding, I am checking the value before and after and it is at 360.


    Here is the error:

    Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding


    What am I doing wrong?  Why does it keep expiring to early?

  • Have you verified the database connection to make sure that the DB server is responding? 

  • yes it is responding, its only when the query gets large that it times out.  it is a dynamic query that can have nothing in the where, or several hundred zip codes


    Also to note, I checked the query time out time in Enterprise Manager also, and it is set high enough that problem should not be occuring.


    I seen on other site that the ADO connection time is default to 30, does anyone know where this is changed?  Cause that is about the time it takes.

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