SQL Server restarts itself

  • Around 2:30 am yesterday morning, our web site was unable to connect to our SQL Server. We got the message "SQL Server doesn't exist or access denied" This lasted about 3 minutes and the errors stopped and hasn't happened again.

    I checked the error log and saw entries that looked like at that time SQL Server suddently started a reboot or a recovery. But the log doesn't give a clue as to what might have happened. Any ideas on how to get to the bottom of what happened?

    We have SQL Server 2000 SP 2 running on NT 4.0

    Edited by - cross on 07/28/2003 2:53:08 PM

  • Was a new errorlog started?

    Was a SQL symptom dump produced in the log directory?

    - Mark

  • Also check NT eventlog!

  • Curious... did the restart resolve the issue or do you still have the connectivity issue?


  • Is the server on a UPS? If not, it could have been a power spike which restarted the whole box.

  • A new error log doesn't seem to have started. How do I check for a SQL symptom dump in the log directory?

    Connectivity came back after the restart and hasn't happened again.

    I'll have to check with our hosting facility to see the NT log and to see if the server is on a UPS - I assume it is, but you never know!

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