Performance of sp_ExecuteSQL

  • Can anyone tell me why this first stored procedure is about 5 time slower than the second one? I would think that passing parameters with sp_ExecuteSQL would be faster, I guess not in this case. The only difference is the fast one I concatenate the Dates and the slow one I pass in as procedures. The changes are marked in Green.

    Any insight anyone?

    These procedures are functionally equivalent.

    The slow one

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.esi_PH_OffPeakAvgPerMonth

    @BeginDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime,

    @Locations nvarchar(1000)


    Declare @sSQL as nvarchar(4000)

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.esi_PH_OffPeakAvgPerMonth

    @BeginDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime,

    @Locations nvarchar(1000)


    Declare @sSQL as nvarchar(4000)

    Set @sSQL = N'Select GridPoint, DatePart(yy, DateTime) As Year, DatePart(mm, DateTime) As Month, DateName(mm, DateTime) As MonthName, Avg(Price) As Price

    From esi_PriceHistory eph Join esi_PriceHistoryLocations ephl On eph.LocationID = ephl.LocationID

    Where ((DateName(dw, DateTime) In (''Saturday'', ''Sunday''))

    Or ((DatePart(hh, DateTime) In (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 23)) And DateName(dw, DateTime) In (''Monday'', ''Tuesday'', ''Wednesday'', ''Thursday'', ''Friday'')))

    And DateTime Between @BeginDate And @EndDate

    And eph.LocationID In (' + @Locations + ')

    Group By GridPoint, DatePart(yy, DateTime), DatePart(mm, DateTime), DateName(mm, DateTime)

    Order By GridPoint, DatePart(yy, DateTime), DatePart(mm, DateTime)'

    Exec sp_Executesql @sSQL, @BeginDate datetime, @EndDate datetime', @BeginDate, @EndDate


    The fast one

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.esi_PH_OffPeakAvgPerMonth

    @BeginDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime,

    @Locations nvarchar(1000)


    Declare @sSQL as nvarchar(4000)

    Set @sSQL = N'Select GridPoint, DatePart(yy, DateTime) As Year, DatePart(mm, DateTime) As Month, DateName(mm, DateTime) As MonthName, Avg(Price) As Price

    From esi_PriceHistory eph Join esi_PriceHistoryLocations ephl On eph.LocationID = ephl.LocationID

    Where ((DateName(dw, DateTime) In (''Saturday'', ''Sunday''))

    Or ((DatePart(hh, DateTime) In (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 23)) And DateName(dw, DateTime) In (''Monday'', ''Tuesday'', ''Wednesday'', ''Thursday'', ''Friday'')))

    And DateTime Between ' + quotename(@BeginDate, '''') + ' And ' + quotename(@EndDate, '''') + '

    And eph.LocationID In (' + @Locations + ')

    Group By GridPoint, DatePart(yy, DateTime), DatePart(mm, DateTime), DateName(mm, DateTime)

    Order By GridPoint, DatePart(yy, DateTime), DatePart(mm, DateTime)'

    Exec sp_Executesql @sSQL


  • Did you run both procedures under same conditions. I mean did you use



    It might be that the effect you're observing is due to caching

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • May be you need to check execution plans. I suppose that for fast example it was build better execution plan because SQL Server has real values of parameters during building of query execution plan.

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