Formatting Numeric Output for Decimal Places

  • Hi

    Can somehow shine some light on how to format the output of a numeric column to conform to a desired number of decimal places?

    I have used the STR() function but ran into problems when sorting the resulting column. When using STR() function the the numeric idata is turned into a String and thus '100' apears less than '20' in the sort order!!!

    I want to format the output and still retain the numeric data type.


  • Hi Anthony

    Try using the decimal function:


    select cast(14.1 as decimal(19,7)) as dp7, cast(14.1 as decimal(19,2)) as dp2


    Check BOL for a full description of the function arguments.



    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Several ideas I have here

    Although it's in German, I'm sure you'll get the meaning. And may I add that I think that this is a job for your front-end, not the server?


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Surely you could return the field formatted as a string but use the original numeric in the ORDER BY?  Or is the sorting being performed client side?  In which case I agree with Frank, why not perform the formatting there?


  • Thanks for all who contributed a solution to this. A few things are noteworthy:

    The  formatting method using:

    CAST(@MyNumeric AS DECIMAL(8,2)) works OK and data is returned correctly under SQL Query Analyzer.

    However,when executing the same Sp in VB 6. Any trailing '0' decimal numerics are truncated. I am using an ODBC SQL Server driver for this.  . . . . . Does anyone know why?

    So rather than:

    2.00         I get    2

    2.10         I get    2.1

    3.00         I get   3.00  

    NEXT:  Yes, sorting by the original column name works great when using the STR function to format the output

    A gotcha was that I aliased the formatted result using the same name as the original column name. For some reason it honored the character data type when this was done. 

    The same happened when I modified the order by clause to read 'ORDER BY TableName.ColumnName'

    Anyway the problem has been fixed after giving the formattted column an unique aliased name.



  • If you're presenting the results of this query on the web, you might need to use a align="right" tag and this will format the number to TWO decimal places:


    Hope this helps.


  • The trailing zero's get truncated (or rather not displayed) by VB as it does not see them as significant figures.  When you look at the definition for the primitive data types it tells you how much data each can store, but doesn't mention that VB only shows significant figures when it outputs.  Any calculations you do with the numbers however should still be at the right degree of accuracy.

    Like Butch said, the FormatNumber command is really useful, and there are more parameters that Butch hasn't included.  Should show up in the intellisense in VB6.


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