Manage sql server messages. Is it possible?

  • I have a stored procedure with an action (insert, update etc.).

    I would like to modify the message in some way so I can transmit to the application the folowing:

    1)  @error

    2) The action (insert, update etc)

    3) The name of the procedure

    4) The table updated(s)


    I cannot do that because after sql server raised the error (for example a constraint error) it can't be done nothing. The application get only the id (@@error) but I can't modify the message to add additional informations like 2,3 and 4.

    I don't want to use an output or a log table or sql server log because of application reasons. 

    Thank you for your help.

  • If you don't want to use neither log table or sql server log then are not solution! Wait for Yukon!
    But which kind of language you use to develop your applicatiom ? It's a bit strange that it cannot trap the error from sql server!

    "...e il mio maestro mi insegnò com'è difficile trovare l'alba dentro l'imbrunire" F.Battiato - Prospettiva Nevsky

  • The problem is that it must work with Oracle and SQL Server too.

    FInally I take the description from SQL Server log using the idea written in this forum few days ago, I clasify my own errors and I believe I am on the good road.


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