Simple Log Shipper

  • I'm at a company that wants to investigate log shipping but doesn't want to purchase SQL Enterprise Edition.

    I'm looking at the Simple Log Shipper that comes on the SQL 2000 Resource Kit and thought it provided a good starting point. I then noticed a number of comments from people saying they prefer to write their own code. Is this because the SLS is flawed in any way? Does it miss things out that people think should be included?

    Thanks for any comments or pointers

  • While evaluating various recovery options, I wrote my own version of Log Ship. It didn't take long, and it was a straightforward combination of a regular transaction log backing up to a share, and a DTS job on the destination server to apply the logs.

    I don't know what the Simple Log Shipper does, because I've not looked at it.

    The reason we're probably going to implement full-on Enterprise edition log shipping is, I think, more down to a trust thing. For some strange reason, my boss doesn't particularly trust my coding on this one! OK, so I need to put some better error-handling and recovery stuff in, and there's a few other rough edges to sort out, but there's no way it's going to take an extra £8000-worth of time...

    Thomas Rushton

  • Holy LogShippers Thomas! Is your boss going EE just for native log shipping? Has he ever seen how unhelpful it is when it breaks? Does he know that he has to pay EE licensing on the standby server too?

    EE has its advantages, but it takes much more than log shipping to justify it.

    But, why am I telling YOU this? I hope your boss sees reason and learns to trust your code.


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • Hi Mark


    Is your boss going EE just for native log shipping?

    Partly that, and partly because some conslutant told him to...


    But, why am I telling YOU this? I hope your boss sees reason and learns to trust your code.

    I've tried pointing out that this code kept running on our test servers without problems for several weeks. OK, so it's not a full-blown test rig, we're not pumping through thousands of transactions per second, but it still seems to do the job.

    What's a boy to do? Anyone got any jobs going?

    Thomas Rushton

  • Look on the bright side....

    1) you're at a company that's actually spending money

    2) if anything gets queried in the future, you and the boss can blame the consultant (sort of like blaming the previous DBA, but more fun)

    3) you've got experience writing custom log shipping, and now you get to do native log shipping - all good stuff for your resume

    4) you get to play with EE goodies on your standby server - Indexed Views etc.


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • I am pretty sure the BackOffice 4.5 Resource Kit has scripts to set up log shipping as well, although I have not used them personally.


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