Table variable stored procedure output

  • I have posted this to another forum w/o any luck. Maybe someone here knows of a way to get this to work.

    Using SQL 2k how can I declare a variable of type 'table' as an OUTPUT variable in a stored procedure?


    Create Procedure [WH1].[Usp_ArchiveChild]

    @sParent VarChar(20) = NULL,

    @sKey VarChar(20) = NULL,

    @sPId VarChar(5) = '0',

    @tArchived Table OUTPUT




    This throws error:

    Server: Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Usp_ArchiveChild, Line 6

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Table'.

    I am attempting to recursively call a stored procedure that returns a table. Now thiis process, when done, will be called through a MSSQL Agent job so I am not looking to use the expense of ADO.

    Now as for returning output from a 'Select ...' statement and use that in a table variable in the calling procedure as stated in Books Online:

    " ... A table variable behaves like a local variable. It has a well-defined scope, which is the function, stored procedure, or batch in which it is declared.

    Within its scope, a table variable may be used like a regular table. It may be applied anywhere a table or table expression is used in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. However, table may not be used in the following statements:

    INSERT INTO table_variable EXEC stored_procedure

    SELECT select_list INTO table_variable statements. "

    So that won't work.

    Unless there is a way to pass out a table variable w/o declaring it first, the only option I see is to use a temp. table to take the output of the stored procedure.

    Any help would be appreciated!

  • Refer to QOD Aug 4 2003... TABLE variables cannot be passed to SPs (either as input, or output).

    Looks like you've come across the other limitations of TABLE variables too. I hope they're overcome in SQL2k+++

    You can try recursively calling a table function? Eg.


    FROM sysobjects
    WHERE name = N'customerIds')
    DROP FUNCTION customerIds

    CREATE FUNCTION customerIds
    (@rangestart char(5),
    @rangeend char(5))
    RETURNS @customerids TABLE
    (CustomerID char(5))
    INSERT @customerids
    SELECT CustomerID from Customers
    where CustomerId between
    ISNULL(@rangestart, (select min(CustomerId) from customers))
    ISNULL(@rangeend, (select max(CustomerId) from customers))

    declare @customers table (CustomerID char(5))

    insert @customers select * from dbo.customerIds('CHOPS','FRANK')
    SELECT * FROM @customers


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • Have you attempted to write the code as a UDF that returns a table?

  • Thanks for the replies. I knew that a UDF would be an option, BUT in a programming sense, a function should perform 1 purpose. What the stored procedure would be doing is a bunch of steps that will have UDF's inside of it to perform different functions. But since SQL server doesn't allow tables variables in or out of a stored procedure, taking a funtion (UDF) and making it act as a stored procedure would be more efficient than using temp. tables in stored procedures.

  • Now that I have tried to use a UDF that returns a table variable, I hit this wall:

    "Only functions and extended stored procedures can be executed from within a function."

    Inside of this what was originally to be a stored procedure, I dynamically need to execute DML's inside using sp_executesql <String variable>. Well this is a limitation of a UDF that I have run into.

    So after all of this, what I have learned is that with all this new "table' type variable you can only do somethings in certain situations. So it looks like I will now go back to the "old standby"; stored procedure that returns a select statement and pass it to a temp. table in the calling stored procedure!

  • I don’t think you can use table as parameter of a stored procedure. Here is what I think that might work.

    Create Procedure [WH1].[Usp_ArchiveChild]

    @sParent VarChar(20) = NULL,

    @sKey VarChar(20) = NULL,

    @sPId VarChar(5) = '0',

    @tArchived VARCHAR(128) -- This is going to be the name of the table to store your resultset. It has to be VARCHAR(128) since maximum length for a table’s name is 128.


    …. – Your regular process

    Say your stored your results in a temp table named '#tmpResult' within this procedure.

    At the end of the procedure, add the following code.


    SELECT @strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' + @tArchived + ' SELECT * FROM #tmpResult'


    Now your resultset is stored in the table you specified. To make this work even better, check the existence of your table in sysobjects table to make sure the insert won’t fail.

    Hope this helps.

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