using local variable with IN statement

  • Is it possible to use a local variable with an IN statement as follows

    declare @local

    set @local = <[values with single quotes separated by commas]>




    from table1

    where var3 in (@local)

    Every way I've tried running it i.e. assigning the local variable so it has the right number of quote marks and commas the result set is empty. I'm sensing I might have to use embedded SQL to accomplish this.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • hey

    yes its possible.u could use dynamic query...check this out....

    hope u get wat u want.....else tell me i will try 2 help u out.

    here reg1 is the table name

    select * from reg1

    collegeid   deptid      regis      

    ----------- ----------- -----------

    2001        1           101

    2001        1           202

    2001        1           303

    2002        2           404

    2002        2           505

    2002        3           606


    declare @var nvarchar(30)

    declare @query nvarchar(100)

    set @var='101,202,303'

    set @query='select * from reg1 where regis in ('+ @var +')'

    exec sp_executesql @query


    collegeid   deptid      regis      

    ----------- ----------- -----------

    2001        1           101

    2001        1           202

    2001        1           303



  • Well Sam

    I would also avoid the Dynamic SQL and instead use a User defined Function which does the parsing and the loading into a table in one step. First the Create:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ParseDelimitedString


      @List varchar(100),  /* This can be sized as necessary for your specs and can be Nvarchar if unicode is required */

      @Parser char(1)


     RETURNS @Local table



      Var3 varchar(10)  /* Here you can set the type and size of the variable3 that you wanted to compare on */



     BEGIN  /* loop until there isn't another delimiter */

      While (Charindex(@Parser,@List)>0)


       Insert Into @Local (Var3)


        Var3 = ltrim(rtrim(Substring(@List,1,Charindex(@Parser,@List)-1)))

       Set @List = Substring(@List,Charindex(@Parser,@List)+len(@Parser),len(@List))


      Insert Into @Local (Var3)

      Select Var3 = ltrim(rtrim(@List))





    Next some code to create a "Table1" and your original Query modified to call the Parsing Function in the IN clause:

    /*create and load some test values into my  table1 which for testing is a  table variable */

    Declare @Table1 Table (var1 int, var2 int, var3 varchar(255))

    insert into @Table1 (var1, var2, var3) VALUES (1,1,'106')

    insert into @Table1 (var1, var2, var3) VALUES (2,3,'105')

    insert into @Table1 (var1, var2, var3) VALUES (3,4,'102')

    insert into @Table1 (var1, var2, var3) VALUES (4,6,'101')

    insert into @Table1 (var1, var2, var3) VALUES (7,5,'104')

    insert into @Table1 (var1, var2, var3) VALUES (5,2,'103')

    /* Pass in the Delimited Values */

    Declare @Var3List varchar(100)

    Set @Var3List = '101,102,103'




    from @table1


      var3 IN (Select Var3 from dbo.ParseDelimitedString(@Var3List,','))

    Hope this is what you need.


    John R. Hanson

    VP Operations

    MEDePass, Inc.



  • Another way

    select var1,var2

    from table1

    where charindex( ',' + var3 + ',' , ',' + @local + ',' ) > 0

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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