String Manuiplation Last, First to First Last

  • Looking for some help

    String 'Smith, John M' Note Space after ,

    Looking to take a string

    Last, Fisrt M and convert it into

    First M Last

    Ex: 'John M Smith'

    Thanks in Advance

  • I think you're better off making 3 columns : first, last and middle name and split that column into those 3, then you can join those however you want in the stored procs or even better in the application. It think you should look up the functions pathindex and substring in the books online.

  • This kind of t-sql will work if the string is always this well formed.  But will probably need extending using regexp if there are apostrophes in names.

    declare @Name varchar(50)

    declare @newName varchar(50)

    declare @Comma int

    set @Name='Smith, John M'

    set @Comma=charIndex(',',@Name)

    set @newName=substring(@Name, @Comma+2, len(@Name)) + ' ' + substring(@Name,1,@Comma-1)

    select @Name as original_name, @newName as new_name

  • Thanks that worked Great...

    I real time save thanks a million.



  • ignore the ATOM rules at your own risk...they are not arbitrary and were created for good reason.


    if object_ID('tempdb..#Person') is not null drop table #Person

    create table #Person


      PersonID int identity not null,

      FirstName varchar(255),

      MiddleName varchar(255),

      LastName varchar(255)


    Insert #Person values ('Calvin', 'Daniel', 'Lawson')


     FirstName + ' ' + cast(MiddleName as varchar(1)) + ' ' + LastName as [Name],

     LastName + ', ' + FirstName + ' ' + MiddleName as LastNameFirst

    from #Person


    Signature is NULL

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