Stats on Replication Performance

  • Does anyone have or know of a location where I can find statistics on what kind of performance hit implementing Transactional Replication. Just I have a 90 GB database and we're adding replication. The database sees about 80 - 90 K transactions per hour. The DB will be moved to a new server 4 processor (2+ ghz), 16 GB RAM (part of a cluster for hardware fail over) The subscriber server will be the current production server 4 processor (<1 ghz), 4 GB RAM. The current server more than handles the current load.



  • Chuck,

    Check out Microsoft's white paper entitled:  "Transactional Replication Performance Tuning and Optimization" .  It's got best practices for replication performance and some case studies (being published in 2001,  it's a bit outdated with hardware specs and db sizes).  They also have stats on the perf impact of replication.  Although their 10% impact with a remote distributor is much larger than I've ever seen in my environment.  But maybe I've not hit it as hard as they have for the hardware.

    Get the paper from Google or try:


    Scott Thornburg

    Volt Information Sciences



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