fetch - Table1 ''Belongs to object error'' Table2 Error ... Help!

  • Hi:  We're running a DTS that simply pulls data from one TABLE into non-db file.   After outputing a thousand records the DTS stops with the following error:

    Attempt to fetch logical page (#:#######) in database 'XXX' belongs to object TABLE2, not to object TABLE1.

    The error seems to say that the fetch thinks its last fetched grabbed data from a table not even being processed by the DTS Package.  

    Windows 2003, EM SQL Server 2000, DTS Package has in production and running fine many years, no problems reported by chkdsk, DBCC CHECK DB reports error: 'Table error: Page (#:#######) allocated to object ID ########, index ID 0 was not seen.  Page may be invalid or have incorrect object ID information in its header.  DBCC results for TABLE1.' So I am doing a DBCC CHECKDB ('XXX', REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS).

    What is wrong with my DB!?????

    Any feedback would be appreciated,

  • One possibility could be that the hard drive on your server has some bad sectors.

    When I was having this very same problem on the server almost two years ago, it was after we had applied some patches and hotfixes to the servers. MS kept blaming it on hardware failure but we knew how can all the 3 server start having same Hardware problem at the same time. Finally after 9 months MS came up with a solution to "disable write chache" option for the hard drive which was enabled by one of the patches.

    This is something that your server admins can help you with. Hope this helps.


  • Is this a Windows 2003 issues?    Would you know the url for the MS Documentation of the issue/solutions?

  • Ours was Windows 2000 .... I dont know if it applies to win 2003.


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