Need help on store procedure

  • I have a store procedure and I am getting null value for one of my declare variable and I am trying to add that variable into my insert statement and it giving me null value error. Here is the procedure.


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Insert_Inspection]

    @Receiving int




    Declare @LotNo varchar(50)

    select @LotNo = [Lot No]  from Receiving where [Receiving Log No] = @Receiving


    Declare @PartId varchar(50)

    Select @PartId = Max([Part ID]) + 1 from [Receiving Inspection Header] where [Receiving Log No] = @Receiving And [Lot No] = @LotNo


    “Need code to set @PartId =1 when it return Null”



    INSERT INTO dbo.[Receiving Inspection Header] ([Receiving Log No], [Lot No], [Part Id])  VALUES (@Receiving, @LotNo, @PartId)




    For variable @PartId – There is no record present so the select statement for @PartId is giving my NULL value and if I try to use NULL into Insert statement it is giving me error. I would like to set @PartId = 1 when it return NULL from select statement. How can I do that?

  • Select @PartId = ISNULL(Max([Part ID]),0) + 1 from [Receiving Inspection Header] where [Receiving Log No] = @Receiving And [Lot No] = @LotNo



  • Or you could do this:

    INSERT INTO dbo.[Receiving Inspection Header] ([Receiving Log No], [Lot No], [Part Id])  VALUES (@Receiving, @LotNo, ISNULL( @PartId,1) )


  • Coalesce(@PartID, 1)

    That'll give you 1 if it's null, and @PartID if it isn't.

  • @PartId should probably be declared as an Int and not a VarChar

    @PartId is not initialzed and therefore is null before the select:

    If the select returns 0 rows then the @PartId will be unchanged and will remain null.

    If the select does contain rows and the all values for Part_ID are null then @PartId will be assigned null.

    After the select:

        Set @PartId = IsNull( @PartId, 1 )

    Whether the select returns a null or returns no rows, the Set IsNull will give the desired results.

  • I like the coalesce. Nice and succinct, and from a newbie ?!

    Added later:  Whoops! Didn't mean to call you a newbie - just realised that Newbie refers to how many posts you've made.

    Best Regards

  • LOL that's ok. 

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