How to store & retrieve mulilingual data from sql server

  • For Example.,

    Database created (with Chinese Collation) for an application to handle chinese

    data. Database created (with Korean Collation) to store Korean data.

    Another Database created (With Latin) to handle english data.

    All these regional data are consolidated in central repository sql server.

    on quering the data..chinese, korean data are in junk characters. Pls advise how to handle these issues.

    How to store & retrieve mulilingual data from sql server

    Is there any Collation that handles all the characters. Thx


  • Have a look in BOL (Books on line) for unicode. Really the multiple language requirements are satisfied using unicode datatypes. The collation in this case will be relevant for specifying the sort order but the code page won't be relevant for storage.


    Paul Ibison SQL Server MVP,


    Paul Ibison

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