ERROR - retention-based meta data cleanup

    I am dealing with merge replication.
    The following error occurred several times, since last 1 month.
    The merge process could not perform retention-based meta data cleanup 
    in database 'database name'.
    (Source: Merge Replication Provider (Agent); Error number: -2147199467) 

    The merge process timed out while executing a query. Reconfigure the Query Timeout 
    parameter and retry the operation.(Source: DPMS (Data source); Error number: 0) 

    1. What is reason for this error?
    2. Is it possible to overcome this?
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  • Hi,
    Look at merge agent profile. The default profile has query timeout of 300 seconds by default. You can create a new profile ant increase a query timeout there.
    There is also a parameter -metadataretentioncleanup set to 1 in defaul profile, means the metadata is cleaned up every time merge agent runs. If you set it to 0 in a new profile, the metadata will not be cleaned (improves replication performace). But don't forget to run sp_mergemetadataretentioncleanup on your databese regulary. You can read about it in BOL.

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