where to get SQL Server 7

  • i have a database running on SQL Server 6.5 and i need a copy of that database to be running on SQL Server 2000.  I have been told that to go straight from 6.5 to 2000 is very difficult and time consuming.  I have also heard that it can be done pretty easily by importing the database into SQL server 7 and then into 2000.

    the problem is that we don't have a copy of SQL server 7.  only 6.5 and 2000.  and i have looked all over and cant find where to get a copy of SQL server 7.  even the 120 day trial would probably do it but i cant find it anywhere.

    any help, please?

  • What type of tools does your company has for you to use.  I like to us DB Artisan by Embarcadero to migrate table, stored proc, views etc. from SQL 6.5 to SQL 2000.  It is not that bad. 

    I am not sure if they have anything in store for sql 7 at this time of year.



  • Before looking for SQL Server 7.0, see if this helps:




    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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