How to find the values in table a that are linked to ALL the values in table b?

  • Please help. I want to find the document_id values in table @tblDocRef that are linked to ALL the workorder_id values in table @tblWorkOrder, and are not linked to any other workorder_id values that do not exist in @tblWorkOrder. In other words, I want an exact match on the values in the @tblWorkOrder table. So, for instance, using the data in the script below, the query I want would return a result set containing document_id values 14 and 15. The other two values would be filtered out: 13 has a link to a 4th workorder_id that does not exist in @tblWorkOrder; 17 is linked to only one of the three values in @tblWorkOrder.

    DECLARE @tblWorkOrder table


    workorder_id int


    -- Each document is a report that contains one or more work orders. The @tblDocRef table lists all the documents that contain any of the work orders listed in the @tblWorkOrder table.

    DECLARE @tblDocRef table


    document_id int,

    workorder_id int


    INSERT INTO @tblWorkOrder


    INSERT INTO @tblWorkOrder


    INSERT INTO @tblWorkOrder


    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(13, 816)

    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(13, 821)

    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(13, 822)

    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(13, 825)

    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(14, 816)

    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(14, 821)

    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(14, 822)

    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(15, 816)

    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(15, 821)

    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(15, 822)

    INSERT INTO @tblDocRef

    VALUES(17, 816)


  • Try this.  I got the desired output...

    SELECT x.document_id

    FROM (

    SELECT document_id, count(*) AS workordercount

    FROM @tblDocRef

    GROUP BY document_id) x


    (SELECT a.document_id, count(*) AS workordercount

    FROM @tblDocRef a inner join @tblWorkOrder b

    ON a.workorder_id = b.workorder_id

    GROUP BY a.document_id) y ON x.document_id = y.document_id


    (SELECT COUNT(*) AS workordercount

    FROM @tblWorkOrder) z

    WHERE x.workordercount = y.workordercount AND

          x.workordercount = z.workordercount

  • I tried it, and it worked. Nicely done! Thanks so much.

    If my tables were likely to have more than 100 or so rows, then I would be more concerned about performance and would probably prefer a solution that did not rely on COUNT (probably using OUTER JOIN, IS NULL, and/or EXISTS instead); but in my case the difference would probably not be significant.

    In the version below, I did some minor tweaking. In my stored procedure, I already needed to count the work orders in @tblWorkOrder and assign that count to the local variable @workorders_in_request. By using that local variable, I was able to eliminate the CROSS JOIN and make the query a little more readable. I also renamed the count columns to better reflect their meaning.

    DECLARE @workorders_in_request int


     @workorders_in_request = COUNT(*)







     SELECT document_id, COUNT(*) AS TotalWorkorders

     FROM @tblDocRef

     GROUP BY document_id

    &nbsp x



     SELECT a.document_id, COUNT(*) AS MatchingWorkorders

     FROM @tblDocRef a

     INNER JOIN @tblWorkOrder b

     ON a.workorder_id = b.workorder_id

     GROUP BY a.document_id

    &nbsp y

     ON x.document_id = y.document_id


      x.TotalWorkorders = y.MatchingWorkorders AND

      x.TotalWorkorders = @workorders_in_request


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