dba wannabe (certification question)

  • Thinking of morphing from database developer (.net) to more of a dba role.  Looking for advise on how to start.

    a) get MCDBA 2000


    b) get MCTS 2005

    or both or neither.  thanks

  • Depends on your timeline and motivation. For instance, if you know you're going to need a job in the very near future, MCDBA 2000 would be the answer. However, if you have time, you'll expend less resources in the long running going for the MCTS 2005. After all, if you get the MCDBA 2000, you'll eventually need to "upgrade."

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Yo pienso que la mejor decision es llevar el MCDBA 2000 puesto que la mayoria de las empresas cuentan con ese motor de base de datos y el SQL 2005 recien esta saliendo y pasara un tiempo antes de estabilizarse en el mercado y sobre todo en la confianza de los departamentos informaticos.

    Luego de llevar el MCDBA 2000 y tener experiencia basicamente en afinamiento con ese motor de datos (hablemos de millones o billones de registros) podriamos optar por llevar el MCTS SQL Server 2005, esto lo digo por que asi tendriamos un buen nivel para comparar el nuevo producto

    Recordemos que el MSSQL tiene su fuerte en la facilidad de la codificacion del TSQL y su estrategia esta en el uso de sus planes de ejecucion para obtener una performance optima en las sentencias o procedimientos pero en mi experiencia en años de manejo de este motor he notado que el MSSQL puede a vecer brindar un problema en lugar de una solucion con su plan de ejecucion normal y por eso llegamos al tema del afinamiento (plan de ejecucion manual, manejo de indices, etc.)

    La pregunta es entonces: Sera mas rapido un proceso afinado en SQL2000 que escrito simplemente en SQL2005? ...

    Estudiemos y practiquemos ser MCDBA 2000 ... es el presente y es estable.


    Hans Arancibia

    DBA - IT Manager



    (escrito a proposito en castellano, ahora les toca traducir a ustedes!, viva el español!)





  • Hans makes some good points:

    1) There is a large, established base of SQL Server 2000

    2) SQL Server 2005 is new technology and not everyone is going to switch to it right away.

    3) The T-SQL and database development skills you learn for SQL Server 2000 are (mostly) applicable to SQL Server 2005.

    We see postings on this board for support on SQL Server 7.0 and even SQL Server 6.5 on occasion. You'll have a lot more doors open for you with an MCDBA in SQL Server 2000, at least for the near future. And once you have your SQL Server 2000 credentials in hand, there's nothing preventing you from pursuing the SQL Server 2005 credentials.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Hi Brian,

    Like David, I would also like to pursue my MCDBA but I'm not sure if I should do it now with SQL Server 2000, or wait until 2005.  I'm an experienced DBA\Developer with almost nine years combined.

    Please let me know what you think and how you would go about it.

    Thank you,


    Peter M. Florenzano

    Database Administrator

  • To be quite honest, I don't carry an MCDBA 2000 either. I've not picked up a Microsoft certification since MCSE NT 4.0 (yes, I'm a major slacker). So I'm very much in the same boat as both of you.

    I'm not sure what advice to give you, but I can tell you what I'm going to do. My approach for the start of this year is to go ahead and knock out the MCDBA 2000. I've been lazy long enough. The 2005 tests are still in beta (both Steve Jones and Randy Dyess have blogged about them), so it'll still be a little while before we see the 2005 exams out to be taken by the masses. BTW, by the time those tests come out, we'll hopefully see Steve Jones' updated Study Guide.

    Also, from Microsoft's FAQ page (http://www.microsoft.com/learning/mcp/newgen/faq/) on the next generation of certs:

    Your MCDBA credential in SQL Server 2000 continues to be recognized by Microsoft, and you do not need to do anything to maintain it. Upgrade options for the new Microsoft SQL Server 2005 credentials will be available for those who are currently certified as MCDBAs. You can upgrade to the new MCITP: Database Administrator credential with one exam after you earn the prerequisite Technology Specialist credential. The upgrade exam will be available in early to mid-2006.

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Thank you for your input Brian.  It does seem logical to pursue the SQL Server 2000 MCDBA first, then 2005.


    Peter M. Florenzano

    Database Administrator

  • If I would not be MCDBA on 2000, then I would just pass 1 exam: 70-228, SQL Server 2000 Administration (the official exam title is longer). With this certification you may say that you are certified in SQL Server 2000 administration.

    I also for my own entertainment would pass 70-290 -Windows 2003 Server Administration exam and if I would be working as a DBA supporting them, developers, I would pass the latest version of VB.NET or ASP. NET exam to know exactly how they will access my databases and what they can do. Maybe I would concentrate on Web Services as well. One of these language exams is elective and this knowledge will not obsolete next year.

    If I have not already passed 70-300 (Solution Architecture, for MCSD) I would recommend that too, teaches good database application architecture logic. I loved preparing for this exam.

    As is, I already passed almost everything I wanted  except for 70-290: I passed 70-215 Windows 2000 Server for my MCDBA . So now I am preparing for 70-290 and having a lot of fun!

    Good Luck!


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • I use asp.net and vb.net to develop application, too. I am thinking about get to expose to dba role, too.

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