Convert from a table with inconsistent data

  • Hi,

    I want to use a between statement to get data from a varchar field where Referance numbers is stored. Most of the varchars are numbers, but some of them has an 'AF' in front. I used the statements:

    select refno from SABPP.SABPP_CRMCLT Where refno not in ('A%') AND RefNo Between 10 AND 100 ORDER BY REFNO

    then I tried to insert the values in a temp table

    Create Table #Temp(

    RefNo int NOT NULL


    Insert Into #Temp(RefNo)

    select refno from Table Where refno not in ('A%')

    But still I get the error: cannot convert the value 'AF01' to int...



  • Have you tried explicit conversion to int before storing/retrieving ?!

    eg: select cast(left(refno, 2) as integer) ?!

    1) Identify all rows where refno NOT LIKE 'A%'

    2) Convert remaining rows to int value

    3) Insert into temp table

    4) Query

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • select refno from SABPP.SABPP_CRMCLT

    Where refno not LIKE 'A%' ....


  • Use the isnumeric function, to select only those reference numbers that can be converted to numbers.


    Insert Into #Temp(RefNo)

    select refno from Table

    where isnumeric(refno) = 1


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