Get Curent Users PC Name / IP Address

  • Hi All,

    SQLServer 2000

    How do I get the current users PC name and IP Address.

    I need this so I can include it in a trigger (for Auditing purposes)



  • try select  HOST_NAME()

    Don't know how to get IP


  • Hi Andy,

    I found that in BOL and it works fine.

    Thanks for replying.

    Any takers for IP Address?


  • Running the line below gives you various ip config details:

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig' you just need to strip out what you want:

    declare @ip_row varchar(255)

    declare @ip_address varchar(20)

    set nocount on

    create table #t (detail varchar(255))

    insert #t exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig'

    select @ip_row = detail from #t where upper(detail) like '%IP ADDRESS%'

    select @ip_address = ltrim(rtrim(substring(@ip_row, charindex (':', @ip_row, 1) + 1, 255)))

    drop table #t

    set nocount off

    select @ip_address

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • To run this I needed a minor modification:

    create table #t (detail varchar(255) null)

  • Perfect.

    Thanks very much

    One final thing, do users need any special permissions to be able to run

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'ipconfig'



  • That will give you the servers IP, not the current user...

    For a complete networkaddress, you need two things:

    IP + subnetmask or IP + network and


    An IP address alone isn't enough to identify the unique network, you must have the 'network descriptor' also.

    This is especially true if you're dealing with subnetted networks.

    On the remote side it's perfectly valid to log, say two connections from that in reality was two different hosts from different subnets. This may or not be an issue for you.

    In any case, the only source that reliably knows both these pieces of information, is the client itself.

    Thus, the safest way is to have the client provide this info for you.



  • Thanks Kenneth, I just realised that.

    Getting the client to provide it won't hep when it comes to my Audit Trail Trigger. Any other ideas?




  • Well, then I guess you're stuck.

    (though getting the client to provide it *will* solve your problem)

    You can't audit information not provided with the connection

    Unless the connecting part provides the IP to SQL Server I can't see how it would be possible to log that information.

    AFAIK, the only networkid that is reliable (ie it doesn't seem to be filtered out, which can happen with the NETBIOS name (HOST_NAME()) at the serverlevel, is the master..sysprocesses.net_address column, though this contains the MAC address, which is the hardware address at the lower levels of the OSI model.



  • noeld has come up with a solution in this similar thread...

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

  • Though Noel's solution may work sometimes, I'd really not recommend to try that inside a trigger.

    There's also some security considerations to take into account.


  • Thanks Ryan

  • Charlotte, I just want to be totally clear - Noels soultion is not suitable for a trigger. If you put it in there, each and every transaction you're auditing will at the minimum be the time for the ping to complete.

    On my workstation, a successfull xp_cmdshell 'ping myComp' returns in 3 seconds.

    A 'Bad IP' message takes 2 seconds to resolve, and should the hostname be an actual host registered in either the WINS or DNS, but the host won't answer pings, so it will time out four times - it takes 6 seconds.

    For a trigger, these are huge timespans, and well worth thinking over how that will affect overall performace.


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