DB engine green/red status not displaying

  • Hi all, I have a problem geting Management studio to display the green or red status in the registered databases icon.

    All remote sql servers just display a white circle.  A locally running sql express instance displays fine.  I am guessing its a domain / authentication issue but no idea what.  Also what protocol / port is the indicator info talking over as it may be that?

    I have a valid windows authenticated trust to the remote servers and can connect to all of them from  Management Studio so not a remote connectivity issue.  Tried starting the Browser service but no difference.

    Any ideas would be appreciated as I have drawn a blank on this one.


  • The network protocols are configured? Without them, no network access are authorized.



  • I'm having this issue also over the network and I cannot find anything on what might be causing this.. I can ping the servers OK from my local machine. Guess I will keep searching for a soultion.

  • Did you create new registrations in SMS, or use "Previously Registered Servers" to pull in old EM definitions?

    I haven't found the old "Display SQL Server state in console" option in SMS, but the EM registrations I pulled into SMS do show the red/green status.

    If you create registrations through SQL-DMO, the "Display State" option is an undocumented bit in the RegisteredServer.PersistFlags property.  It may also be in SMO, in the RegisteredServer.UserData property (I don't know, I haven't looked).  Some enterprising individual may want to come up with SMO code to create server registrations with "Display State" on.

  • Check to make sure that TCP port 445 is open (not being blocked by a network firewall or the Windows firewall) in both directions between the client and server machines. You can accomplish this with a quick telnet test. Open up a cmd window and enter: telnet computername|ip address 445. If you do not recieve an error message the session is established and the port is open. You will have to do this twice. Once from the server to the client and once from the client to the server.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Thanks all for responses.

    1. Yes network protocols are enabled, I am able to connect via Management studio all other functionality exists.

    2. I created new registrations for all 2005 instances but imported all my 2000 registrations.  None display the status indicator, only a locally running sql express (2005) instance has correct status.

    3. Tried the port 445 test and this may be the issue.  I can connect from my desktop to the servers running sql server (which is being done over a vpn) but I cannot go back the other way from server to my desktop.  Hmmm of into the merry land of VPN and firewalls both at customers end and my end.

    So Rudy, you pretty sure this port is the answer before I wade into it from this angle.?


  • Yes. I had the same situation while back in working through a firewall with the default rule set of "DENY ALL". We used Ethereal (a network sniffing tool that's free) to confirm things. Also if you like I can give you a more complete list of ports tha I found out through testing.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Thanks very much Rudy, I will try 445 hope it resolves.  Yeh if you could advise other port info that would be great.

    Thanks again.


  • Oh by the way Rudy ru sure its TCP 445 not UDP ??

  • It is TCP port 445.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

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