Index was outside the bounds of the array.

  • I have a report that renders ok.When I chenge the executuion settings to "Cache a temporary copy of the report. Expire copy of report on the following schedule:"I can render the report once, when I than ask for the report (and should get the cached verision) I get an error:An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online HelpIndex was outside the bounds of the array. Any suggestions?
  • Apparently, this has somthing to do with the fact that I used the global parameter UserID.

    Once I left that out of the report it works fine.

    Why? Beats me.

    I even have other reports that chache fine with the UserID-parameter...


    Can you immagine how long it took me to find that

  • I've seen the same behavior.  Has anyone figured out what causes this to occur?


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