find objects on file/filegroup

  • Is there a way to determine what objects live on a particular file in the database.  I have a vendor designed db with over 90 files and over 90 filegroups.  I need to try and restructure some of this and was looking for some way to find the objects on a particular file/filegroup.  Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.


  • Maybe you can use this query with a little tweaking.

    select Object_name =,

              Object_type = o.xtype, 

              Data_located_on_filegroup = g.groupname,

              Data_located_on_file =

       from sysobjects o, sysfiles s, sysindexes i, sysfilegroups g

       where  i.indid < 2

           and i.groupid = g.groupid

           and s.groupid = g.groupid

       order by Object_type




  • Thanks!  My brain must have fallen asleep as I didn't think of joining the tables that way.


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