Convert Date from mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy

  • Hello

    can anyone help me, please?

    I just want to display the today’s date as dd/mm/yyyy for my report in RS


    I use VS2005.

    I just grab text box then in expression field I choose  (=today)

    But it appears with mm/dd/yyyy    How do I convert it?


    I can’t use CONVERT(varchar,today,103)


    When I go to the property, under format tab, I can’t find dd/mm/yyyy.




  • Set the format code of the textbox to d

  • thanks

  • Susan,

    For me, whenever I change the format to d, the format is defaulting to standard again. So, I changed the format to dd/MM/yyyy and it worked for me.

  • all different date formats you could try is here
    very useful one .
  • Thanks for the tip.

    I just add extra CONVERT(varchar,getdate(),103) as today in my proc.


    I thought I can just easily grab the datetime functionality in VS2005 unfortunately I can't



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