Migrating between 32 bit and 64 bit Server 2005

  • Hello,

    We're seriously considering migrating from SQL 2005 x86 to x64. What have you're issues been with doing so? Has anyone encountered any major roadblocks, small annoyances or problems in general?

    We are currently running SSIS on a different machine (which will continue.) The SSIS machine will stay on a 32 bit OS. We have a couple of other proprietary apps that call some stored procedures in the database.

    Has anyone run into problems with 32 bit apps interfacing with or executing stored procedures against a 64 bit SQL Server (2005)?

  • We are currently moving to the 64 bit platform.  The biggest thing we have hit so far is that ODBC is not supported on the 64 bit platform. We used to have linked servers to a couple of different ODBC data sources but we have had to come up with workarounds until we can get off the platforms that require the ODBC connections.  You can however still connect to ODBC through an SSIS package as long as you execute it using the 32 bit dtexec utility.

    We also had an initial issue with connecting to SQL 2000 servers but that was resolved by running the instcat.sql located in the latest SP applied.  Here is a KB article that describes that issue:  http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;906954

    Other than these, it has been pretty smooth for us so far.



  • Ditto that. I have the same problem with a couple of linked Oracle servers we use for distributed queries. Care to elaborate on the workaround?

  • Charles,

    We have views that were accessing tables in our CRM application via ODBC in SQL 2000 on the 32 bit platform.  So for the 64 bit platform, we are creating views in SQL 2005 that are pointed to the views on the SQL 2000 box.  We were planning on using the old sql 2000 box for development but we will keep it up for production for awhile.  We are in the process of replacing our CRM application so we were willing to take the less than ideal solution right now.  It is kind of kludgy but it works.


  • Thanks John. That is pretty much as I suspected. It looks like I'll have to run my queries through the 32-bit server for the time being.

    Because we rely so heavily on linked servers and distributed queries, I would have postponed migration to 64-bit environment had I realized that this is a problem. Hopefully, a fix will come soon.


  • Doesn't Oracle have a native connection or an OLE DB driver?  From what I have been told, the 64 bit won't ever support ODBC because of it being an old technology.


  • I started off installing Oracle's 10G 64bit OLEDB driver but could not figure out how to make it work for linking purposes and I could not find any info in KB. So I tried to go back to older technology that is currently working on 32bit world but my frustration is mounting.

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